Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Glenn Beck show

Beck making sense of the unemployment numbers and  what is hidden from  figures shown. Also, compares Obama's moves with Chavez's socialist moves  in Venezuela.
show of Jan 11

1 comment:

  1. You are implying that something is wrong with Hugo Chavez? Trust me, those blessed by the Oracle of Penn are immune from failure. All he's doing is making breakfast. When you first crack the eggs into the frying pan, it doesn't look very appetizing. But at some cheese, spices, flip it around a few times and finally put it on your plate and eat, it's delicious!

    We just need to be patient and wait for the scrambled eggs to finish cooking. In the end, when I have finally saved up enough money to move there, it will be paradise!

    I have been busy. My EI expired so now I actually have to go out and get a job. I really hope Starbucks is still hiring. I hate jobs. I want to live in a country where there are no jobs.

    I should make this into a blog post...


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