Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Do you feel any sympathy for this man?

I don't. Wild animals should live in their natural habitat, the wild. Not even in zoos. Maybe zoos were needed in the past to teach children about the animal kingdom. In my opinion, zoos are now obsolete and rightly so. We can see and learn about any and all creatures on the internet. Free the animals, they were not meant to be behind bars. Even murderers go free but we cage up these animals from birth to death.

Over the weekend, a 66 year old man from southern Ontario, near London, was mauled to death by his pet Siberian tiger when he approached the animal to feed it.

A few years ago, a less tragic event had taken place at the same property when a 10 year old boy was attacked by a tiger. The boy had serious head injuries and had to be hospitalized for weeks.

There should be a law against keeping such dangerous animals in residential areas.


  1. I feel no sympathy what so ever for this idiot. I love the big cats too, but I know that they are never completely tamed and can revert to their natural instincts at any time. Hell, even a house cat will do that if left on its own.
    I once worked, for a short time, with an idiot who kept two rattlesnakes in a glass cage in his apartment. He used to torment them by slapping them on the head. I hope they bit him.

  2. Had there been a zoo on the island of Mauritius 400 years ago, there would likely be living breathing dodo birds among us today. Perhaps you'd even own one as a pet?

    I support the existence of zoos as an insurance policy against the extinction of a wild population.

  3. Would you like us to cage you Iceman? It would be a shame if you become extinct...NOT.

  4. I think we have more then enough useless laws thank you. You don't want a big cat residing on your private property be my guest to not do exactly that.


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