Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Poetry, satire and what have you on Obama

The internet is awash in satire and cartoons on Obama and his administration. If you think about it, we the Conservatives should be thankful to Obama and his Mad House for making people open their eyes and see the lunacy oozing forth from Washington. Canada will become more conservative, all thanks to Obama. UK is already giving their labor party the finger and the predictions of UK Labor going down in flames at their next election is a foregone conclusion. France is also showing signs of Conservatism and we know Germany has turned decidedly Right.  Even ordinary people who never thought much about politics are waking up  and wondering about the corruption, the arrogance and the foolhardiness of this administration.

This poem  and the cartoons below are the best I have seen today.

...But it’s unfair to let the U.S. market run so free.
Thus I confess, I think it’s best to let you intervene.
But history has often seen this trend, though it is wrong:
The liberal inserts himself where he does not belong.
If this is not the promised change I guess we’ll give a thought
To improving care and comfort of the terrorists we’ve caught.
The towers burned, bin Laden cheered, our nation tried to mend.
That there could live such hateful scum was hard to comprehend.
But hate is base! And thus we’ve tried to tame our vengeful flame.
And in this breach we now can preach forgiveness and self-blame.
These villains who would kill us all deserve human respect.
They blow up schools and village>..but their rights we’ll protect!
Obama must close Git-mo to prevent its gross misuse!
Investigate the CIA for terrorist abuse.
I’m not sure that this is change, although it seems obscene,
We’ve seen a lot of fools protecting scumbags, thieves and fiends....
read the whole thing


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