Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Lib MP apologizes for "body bags" flyer controversy

All that hullabaloo from the Liberals health critic Dr.Caroloyn Bennet was all the more disgraceful as being a doctor she should have known better. Well ... she has now apologized and although the article mentions "MPs" in plural, it is not apparent if the other Liberal MP Rob Oliphant made any formal apology.
Liberal MPs apologized Wednesday for distributing a household flyer that attacks the government’s handling of H1N1 among aboriginals with the slogan “No vaccines, just body bags.” The flyer, mailed as a message from Liberal health critic Dr. Carolyn Bennett, features a picture of body bags in a lab and a sick aboriginal child.
  hullabaloo about body bags


  1. In my estimation, MP Bennett was put in a position that she HAD to apologize because she was publicly humiliated by the Chief for the morbidly insensitive politicking.

    She said to the chief,
    ""I wish you had called me first," Bennett said to Evans quietly after his turn at committee was up.""

    Her reasoning is appalling and her rationalizing this for ANY reason, unacceptable.Had she not been caught, would we be witness to this apology? My guess is no.

    She is a loose cannon, with little justification for her behaviour and whining re her outburst in QP, this week for example. She has been known to mock, with humiliating arm gestures and faces, the opposing MPs across the floor. If this was a one time thing, I'd likely say, oh well but it's not and I hope the wrath of the entire First Nations community is her cross to bear for a lengthy spell.

  2. frmgrl posted this at Joanne's BLY blog,
    the reason for the apology, the Grand Chief was at committee,

    Grand chief accuses Liberals of using body-bag debacle for political gain

  3. This is disgusting, why is this not mentioned on the news by CBC or CTV?

  4. It was not mentioned on mentioned on either CBC or CTV for the same reason that they never followed up on the fruit-loop convention that was staged on parliament hill in support of the NDP's bill to destroy the economy by adopting their environmental bill. After featuring various moonbats claiming they would have turnouts in the thousands, both networks decided not to show the paltry turnout but instead featured some troll with a bloody nose that he probably got when his blood pressure shot up because the MPs didn't immediately adopt his fantasy viewpoint.
    They probably didn't report it for the same reason that Evan Soloman has a former liberal president as a commentator on his political (read liberal proxy) panel.
    In other words, they didn't mention it because they are all part of the Liberal propaganda machine.

  5. Why is the CBC embedding directly to Liberal Party website pushing the Carolyn Bennet 55 sec clip

    Liberal Vault embedded video on CBC

  6. I said this in the summer.The Grits will use this as a Political tactic.Iggy is seething to see deaths ( I hope not) But when there are,and there will be, If he does,I hope he is exposed as the person he is.As for Carolyn,Shameful.So it begins!

  7. For what its worth, Rob Oliphant was not involved in this unfortunate incident at all, he happened to be filling in for another Liberal MP on the Health Committee. If you do a search you'll see that he regularly sits on the Public Saftey and National Security as well as the Veterans Affairs committees.

    I believe the incident involved a flyer with Dr. Bennett's name on it being distributed and as such it is good to see that she apologized for the error.


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