Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sarah Palin's chooses Hong Kong for her first international speaking engagement

CLSA which is Asia's leading brokerage and investment group has invited Palin to be one of their keynote speakers at their forthcoming forum and according to .Washington Wire services, Palin has accepted.

“As the first female governor of Alaska and the youngest person ever elected governor of that state, Palin has broken new ground in U.S. politics and we are delighted that she will make her first visit to Asia to present at the CLSA Investors’ Forum,” CLSA Chairman and CEO Jonathan Slone said in Monday’s news release

One of Palin's numerous supporters from whose blog I got the above info, stated:

Yes, I know, I am a tad late, but, as is policy, we don’t talk about Sarah Palin’s schedule unless Sarah or her spokeswoman, Meg Stapleton, has verified that Sarah is indeed going somewhere.
There are just too many flaky promoters using Sarah’s name to sell tickets, without a verification from Sarah, who then try to blame her when she doesn’t show at an event she had never committed to in the first place. So we are not going to help them with that scam.
Amen to that, and my two bits say that there are so many malicious lefty knotheads who will gleefully prance around like little nasty goblins in their haste to vilify Palin at the slightest opportunity. The lefty women are jealous of her as she can juggle a full fledged family and a fabulous career all very successfully and still look like a trillion dollars. Lefty men hate her because they have never been able to find a "one man women" like Palin and have had to be contend with all those "love me now, leave me later" type of nitwits.

I am willing to bet this will get the trolls jumping mad as ....intended.


  1. In response to "T" - thank you for the link. I see you are a good supporter of Palin. It is gratifying to see so many supporters rooting for this good lady. You are right in saying that she will be a great hit in Hong Kong and will be able to make excellent connections with the top investors in the world. Once again thanks for the link.

  2. Laying it on a bit think?

    Anyway, got a good chuckle from your comment, take care :)


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