Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Glenn Beck - 3 segments from today's show

Only FoxNews is brave enough to tell the truth of what really is going on in the USA.


  1. Do you ever get comments? Just asking, you know, because this blogging gig is supposed to be, you know, interactive.

  2. Beck is the best entertainer on TV. He makes the point that Obama is a fascist because Rockerfeller Plaza (built in the 60's) has a carving of a worker holding a hammer and a farmer holding a cicle. Beck makes me giggle.

  3. GritPatriot - is that how you looked at it? I thought Beck made a good case of showing how communist art is all around us. I did not think he was trying to show that Obama was a fascist. There is no need to do that anymore.
    At least Beck did not send a tingle up your leg, a giggle is fine by me.


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