
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Not late to the party - NOT EVER

My blog yesterday on the subject of Human Trafficking has been ridiculed by an opponent of the Conservative bloggers in the sense that I am now "getting all moist and teary-eyed" over an issue because "fortunately, others have been down that road by now."

Apparently, waaaay, waaaay back in the Spring of 2006, long before I arrived at the party, someone had written about a somewhat similar issue in Ms. Magazine. Now tell me seriously, how very stupid and ridiculous does that remark sound to you ?!

Before I go any further, please read, without falling asleep in the process, this link that my esteemed critic has given to prove that (prove in his world, that is) as someone wrote a long article on how Chinese women in the tiny Micronesian island of Saipan worked like slaves to produce brand name items for the big fashion houses like J. Jill, Elie Tahari and Ann Taylor, I am late to the party. Desperate to make more money to pay off their recruiters who "find" these "slave" jobs for them, many of the women turn to prostitution as a "side" business. The entire article smacks of "anti-capitalism" because the writer wants to convey that these women are put in these conditions only because the big names in the USA are buying Chinese made garments. The blame is subtly shoved unto the capitalist companies in the USA and not on the actual perpetrators of the doling out of the misery, the Chinese mafia.

My blog yesterday did not have any political leanings like the article that was linked to, by my critic. My blog was putting people first and that is what I always do and always will. Politics hardly ever play a conscious part in my makeup, even though many traits of the left-of-centre Conservative and very few from the right-of-centre Conservative, fit into my thinking.

Only a fool, and a gigantic one at that, would think that if someone, especially from the Left, has written something about a certain subject years ago, it is not worth talking about again. Fool, Fool, Fool. Only a fool would think that if someone from a Leftist magazine wrote about "women being exploited by capitalists" then a conservative woman should not poke her nose into a similar subject as the almighty Left has given its opinion and hence their ruling on that subject is what it is, and what it should be. Case closed, sealed and delivered. When a subject has not been dealt with correctly (as in the matter of the Ms. woman's article above) or even if the subject is dealt with correctly, it is fair game to anyone worth their salt, to harp on about such subjects so as to keep them in the public eye.

The subject of Human Trafficking is becoming more and more serious and in my opinion, there are not enough people talking about it.

I don't really care if someone from the Left or the Right takes up this subject and runs with it constantly, as long as it gets the attention it deserves. Attention to this horrendous subject is what we need, not ridicule of the writers.

Hopefully, my critic will grow up and the onset of gray hairs to his age and mentality, will make him less stupid.

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