Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Look who's crying for Pete's sake

Dear Stephen Taylor: We need to chat. Seriously. You know, Steve, we've all become pretty used to your Blogging Tories being an appalling collection of bigots,racists, white supremacists, neo-Nazi sympathizers and just plain scientific illiterates and deranged, eliminationist yahoos incapable of any sort of intellectual discourse. But you've truly outdone yourself this time with one Maria S., otherwise known as "Dodo Can Spell," who started off badly by condoning law-breaking and now, astonishingly, is directly accusing certain people (your humble scribe included) of having leprosy. So this is the face of the Blogging Tories you want to show the public, Stephen? Seriously, that's what you're promoting as thoughtful, nuanced, Canadian conservative punditry? I just wanted there to be no misunderstanding that that's your idea of acceptable, right-wing political commentary in this country. I'm glad we had this little chat, Steve. Yours, CC --------------------------

 Here is my letter to Stephen Taylor:

Dear Stephen Taylor: 

Ever since my debut at Blogging Tories, a horde of Leftist bloggers have TRIED to vilify and ridicule my work, my syntax, my spelling errors, etc.etc.etc. Almost all the attacks have been launched from either the Canadian Cynic's website or from those affiliated with that website. Today, I got a software company to retrieve records of visits to my blog Dodo Can Spell and and I can prove to you that almost all the verbal abuse (I have copies of every last comment made) can be linked to people who post comments at Canadian Cynic. The posters there have been talking about how to publicly shame and ridicule everything I do and say, and then they have proceeded to act on the advice they gave each other. 

Robert Day is the Canadian Cynic and Lindsay Stewart is one of the 3 contributors at the blogspot. What I don't understand is why they are complaining to you. 

My humble advice to you is to please magnify the disclaimer you have at Blogging Tories, make it bolder and bigger: 
The opinions of blogs aggregated by this website are those of the respective individual authors. These individuals have no association, legal or otherwise with Blogging Tories or with each other. The aforementioned opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the opinions held by Stephen Taylor, Craig Smith, other individual bloggers, any political party or Blogging Tories as an organization. 
That, hopefully, might help short-sighted people to read and understand those lines clearly (we can always hope) and that might stop them trying to get you to mediate on their behalf to put the muzzle on bloggers who can throw the dirt right back at them, and the proof of that muck landing on target, is the above letter to you. I am just giving them a taste of their own medicine. And surprise, surprise, they don't like it. 

 Maria Sarah Nunes


  1. Um, Maria? Can you clarify something for us all?

    Is the vilification and ridicule of your sloppy writing being conducted by "a horde of Leftist bloggers" or "almost all" of the vilification and ridicule of your sloppy writing being conducted by CC or commenters from his blog?

    Cause it seems to little old me that it can't be both.

    Now that may be a gramatically misunderstanding, but, as you admit, grammar is not your strong point.

    God, I hate it when bloggers take themselves too seriously and think the rest of the world cares a bit about their petty little small minded flame wars.

  2. "that may be a grammatically misunderstanding".

    Pot. Kettle. Black.

    Nice grammar yourself.

  3. you didn't need to do any work on this--i'll readily admit that i comment on cc's blog.
    all you had to do was ask.
    hope this help you on your way towards wellness--less time for investigating irrelevancies and more time healing your emotional trauma


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