Thursday, July 16, 2009

Caught some chatter from Sickoland

liberal supporter said or is it 'libel' supporter? 
"Now we all know that claiming someone has a grievous disease is libel, unlike simply calling someone mean names."

MariaS says: Sue me, sue me please, pretty please. Get CC to talk to his lawyer pal Robert McClelland who said: "How nasty and how public do you want the retaliation to be?" and to that: MariaS says: As nasty and as public as you are capable of making it. Hey Robert, you remember that day you almost got drenched in Tim Horton's coffee. Or maybe I am mistaking you for someone else. Must be a dime a dozen of you around there in lawyerland downtown.

BTW, liberal supporter you sanctimonious moron, you have made a couple of errors in the few sentences you left in your comments pointing out my shortcomings in the English language. How very delicious is that!    I will look into it later and we can both learn at the same time. I will point out your mistakes so you will be less prone to make those mistakes again and I will learn how good it feels to point out mistakes to morons.

CC said: "I'm not even going to link to that insufferable twatwaffle anymore, but you know who I'm talking about by now -- the extinct, flightless one - who crows thusly"

 MariaS says: "who crows thusly" ??? That makes no sense to me, more so as my English is so wanting. Is that Medieval English? As the lepers from Sickoland have been kept busy today going through my stuff with a fine comb and weeding out my grammatical and spelling errors and showing their concern for my continued education in the English language, I thought the least I could do was return the favor.
1.Usage Note: Thusly was introduced in the 19th century as an alternative to thus in sentences such as Hold it thus or He put it thus. It appears to have first been used by humorists, who may have been echoing the speech of poorly educated people straining to sound stylish. The word has subsequently gained some currency in educated usage, but it is still often regarded as incorrect. A large majority of the Usage Panel found it unacceptable in an earlier survey. In formal writing thus can still be used as in the examples above; in other styles this way, like this, and other such expressions are more natural. more detailed stuff here on proper usage

scubaq-admin said: "The Dodo is suck a fitting handle for this lady,... the irony is so thick it is clasping under its own gravity well."

MariaS laughs aloud. Maybe scubaq-admin you meant to type "such" but you had "suck" on your mind for obvious reasons. Now lets see if we can fathom what this proud citizen of Sickoland wants to tell us with the other part of his sentence: could it be "so thick it is collapsing" or could it be actually what he says "clasping" and if so then what is clasping under what "well"?

 Oh the fun I am having with the comments coming from Sickoland! Had no idea blogging could be so much fun - I guess I should consider myself lucky I met up with these clowns from Sickoland as soon as I made my debut. Kevron, T-Guy, Lindsay - buck up boys. Checking your comments now. Coming after you next - be patient.

 Now, what did that leper try to tell me in Episode 1 yesterday, sounded something like "sizckkko huss hass huss maaa maaa maaa ...." oh well, it might come to me by tomorrow morning, just in time for the release of Episode 2. Stay tuned ......... friends and friendly enemies


  1. This should be interesting.


  2. Do you really want to drag me into this?

  3. That would be a first for this blog. What started as amusing sock-puppetry has grown pedantic and churlish. Puppet or poe, this stuff is weak sauce.


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