Sunday, April 22, 2018
Dr Ron Paul and Tucker Carlson talk to former UK Ambassador to Syria
Great interviews. Amb. Peter Ford has become anti-war as should everybody else. Wars are just a way to make even more money for the 1%ters and unless you are one of them or lackeying for that obscenely rich, vomit-inducing segment of our society, you too should be anti-war.
Daniel McAdams at RonPaulInstitue
Former UK Ambassador Reveals Truth About Syria
You would have to have cabbage for brains to accept the UK and US government version of what happened in Douma, Syria, just over a week ago, says Liberty Report special guest, former UK Ambassador to Syria, Peter Ford. Assad was on the verge of re-taking Eastern Ghouta, a deal was made with terrorists to leave the region, and one of the last strongholds was about to fall. We are to believe all of a sudden Assad chose that time to "gas his own people"? And all the evidence they can point to is that a government helicopter was dropping bombs in the area. It was a battle - bombs were being launched by both sides. What happens next as the official narrative of what happens continues to collapse? Tune in to a very special episode:
Tucker Carlson Tonight shows
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