Sunday, January 15, 2017
Warlord Obama's legacy .... Obama’s Farewell Address: Touting the Legacy, Exposing the Truth. Non Stop Wars, A Costly Six Trillion Dollar Legacy
Great article with a myriad of links. Below a few snippets.
Joachim Hagopian at GlobalResearch
Obama’s Farewell Address: Touting the Legacy, Exposing the Truth. Non Stop Wars, A Costly Six Trillion Dollar Legacy
Honesty is not an Obama Virtue
Obama wasted no time uttering his trademark lies. In his third sentence he stated that his “conversations” with the American people “are what have kept me honest.” Honest? Are you kidding? This guy’s the most deceitful pathological lying president in US history. Two of his biggest whoppers out of the gate numbering in the thousands will go down in infamy:.....
...As a case in point of his legacy, earlier this week on the same day of Obama’s speech, three bombs blasted three separate cities in Afghanistan killing 50 and wounding 100 Afghan citizens. All these bloodbaths in the Middle East and North Africa stand as a glaring and disastrous outcome to the US façade of “bringing democracy” and “nation-building” to the world - 4 million dead Muslims later. In actuality the ruling elite’s systematic plan is to misuse the US Empire and NATO to militarize and destabilize the entire planet, then misuse millions of war refugees to destroy Western nations by inciting religious, race and class wars utilizing its always effective divide and conquer strategy, all for the nefarious purpose of creating a one world government tyranny. And as the destroyer of America, the CIA bred and groomed puppet, followed his marching orders to the T....
....Obama says when trust in government is low (and it is, presently only 19% of Americans trust their government):
We should reduce the corrosive influence of money in our politics, and insist on the principles of transparency and ethics in public service.
Yet it was Barack’s Supreme Court that gave license for the wealthiest to buy off politicians through unlimited legal bribery. Obama did not lift a finger to oppose it. Again hypocrisy runneth over when the least transparent and perhaps most corrupt and unethical president in US history calls for virtues he so sorely lacks....
....Returning to Obama’s lie that “poverty is falling again,” unfortunately the pathological liar is oh so wrong. Poverty in America has risen from 11% in 2000 up to 15%of Americans in 2014. As mentioned earlier, blacks under Obama are suffering the most with 26.2% of African Americans living in poverty. But near 1 in 4 (23.6%) Hispanic Americans are also poverty-stricken. 10.1% of whites fall under the poverty level. The South and California are the worst hit areas although the largest drops in middle class were in West Virginia, Michigan and Indiana. Just to make ends meet, more Americans are working two or three jobs than ever before.....
....In his farewell speech Obama dared to sneak in a plug for his abominable Obamacare, at the end of his braggadocio repeating the boldface lie that 20 million more Americans are benefiting from his “right to health insurance,” the same right that gives you no right to opt for no insurance without incurring increasing fines for refusing to buy his corrupt brand of snake oil that has rates obscenely skyrocketing by 24% this year on average. Obama’s fuzzy math must be referring to those same 20 million new immigrants he allowed into the country complete with insurance entitlement. In any event, even Obama’s main claim to fame – that the least number of Americans in history are uninsured – is bound to start rising again with his now Unaffordable Care Act. Yet despite this reality, Obama insists that “health care costs are rising at the slowest rate in fifty years.” The man’s delusional. His boldface lie glosses over the truth that in August last year alone healthcare costs rose higher than at any time prior to 1984.....
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