Thursday, April 11, 2013

Tim Hudak speaks at the Ontario Leader's dinner

From OntarioPC:
Ontario can do a lot better   with a plan to get us on the right track and the leadership to put it into action, PC Leader Tim Hudak said tonight to a sold-out crowd.

“In order to do better for our job creators, our loved ones and future generations, we need to address the jobs crisis and debt crisis we face today – and we cannot solve one without solving the other,” Hudak said.

Hudak outlined his comprehensive plan of action to grow the economy. Key elements of Hudak’s plan include:
Reducing Ontario’s 300,000 regulations by at least a third
Lowering the cost of doing business including tax reductions and affordable energy rates
Making our labour laws competitive so companies have the confidence to hire, and
Building new subways and highways to get people home and goods to market faster
“We’ll get people moving again and we’ll grow the economy, but we can’t build a strong Ontario on a foundation of debt,” Hudak said.
Hudak’s plan to end government’s reckless overspending includes making government pensions affordable, reducing the size and cost of government, and opening up contracts to competitive bidding to get the best quality at the best price for the taxpayer.

Hudak described this as a moment of truth for our province: “It is a time of challenge but also a time of promise. A time of crisis, but a time of hope. We have hope because we have a choice.”

“If you believe Ontario is on the right track, the good news is you have two parties to choose from. But if you believe Ontario can and will do better, there is only one choice: our Ontario PC team,” Hudak concluded.

“Let’s stop waiting for better and let’s make better happen.”....

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