Friday, February 22, 2013

Wanna know why David Cameron went begging to the "third world" with a bowl in hand ?

Just a few clues below to show you how the mighty can fall when they think they know it all.  Rome was not built in a day and neither did it fall in a day.  Britain has started descending that  same steep slope that Rome had taken.

A modern-day tale of two cities is being served up by Costa Coffee. Last October, residents in the picturesque town of Totnes in Devon issued a call to arms to halt the coffee chain setting up shop. Almost 6,000 from a population of 8,336 signed up to the “No to Costa” campaign. After three months of fierce opposition, the company was forced to abandon its plans.
This week, the people of Nottingham welcomed Goliath with open arms. An incredible 1,701 people applied for eight vacancies at a new Costa branch that opened yesterday. But such devotion is far from a reaction to a paucity of macchiatos in the suburb of Mapperley. Newly released quarterly figures show that despite a record number of people now in work, millions are trapped in a cycle of part-time employment. Permanent jobs are in short supply, stunting Britain’s recovery.
There are 178,000 unemployed in the East Midlands, a number that has stagnated since July 2012. Among those who tried – and failed – to secure one of the coveted barista jobs were accountants and retail managers with more than 20 years’ experience. CafĂ© work used to be seen as a quick and easy way to fill in time and pay the bills between jobs. Now, despite a starting hourly wage of just £6.50, Costa Coffee and its ilk represent the only hope of full-time occupation for many........

....In a symbolic blow to the Government’s economic plans, Moody’s, one of the biggest global credit ratings agencies, downgraded Britain.
The agency said it had acted because of “continuing weakness in the UK's medium-term growth outlook”, the risk that the Government will fail to hit its targets for reducing the deficit and the UK's “high and rising debt burden”.
However, Moody’s predicted that on its current course, the UK will eventually regain its AAA status. Any relaxation in the deficit-reduction could lead to another downgrade, it suggested.....

According to Sky News:"The investigation discovered that diploma certificates and dissertations were for sale inside a London college. It is also revealed that some 159,000 people are thought to be in Britain despite their student visas having expired, and that just 2,700 students have been removed since 2009.
Whatever the allegations involving this particular college, it has been well known for some time that the foreign student system is a scam.......

....Had she done so her benefits  would have been stopped. Hameed would later claim in her defence that she did what she did only ‘because of the situation she found herself in’ — namely that her daughter and grandchild had moved back in, making money tight. 
Such sob stories are familiar fodder to the magistrates. But what they were especially struck by as they browsed a pre-sentence report prepared on the legally-aided Hameed is the fact that she required the proceedings to be relayed to her by a Punjabi-speaking translator who sat by her side.
‘Miss Hameed has been in England since the age of six,’ Mary Small, chair of the bench, pointed out, ‘so why does she still need an interpreter?’ 
She is told (via the interpreter) that while Hameed understands English she ‘lacks confidence to express herself in it’.
‘After spending 12 years in our education system?’ Mrs Small responded incredulously......

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