oh ... you didn't know it was happening in Kosovo too? Time to terminate your subscription to the cable stations that invade your house and tell you only about the sensitivities of teddy bear Muslims and how best to give them bear hugs and french kisses...and a whole lot more ... Muslim style.
The list of churches destroyed is much longer than the few I have listed below. The link has "before destruction" and "after destruction" pictures of the once beautiful churches.
Don't forget that the fucking so-called Christian nations of the world helped the taqqiyah spouting lying Muslim bastards defeat the govt of Slobodan Milošević and turn Kosovo into a Muslim hell. Don't forget that it was the propagandizing that NATO employed that made the world think that Milošević was a monster and that he and his soldiers were solely responsible for the crimes against Muslims. Never once did they find it fit to inform ordinary people like us watching world developments how the Muslim/Christian conflict started in the first place. Never once did the NATO propaganda mention that Muslims were killing Christians in equal numbers and in far more inhuman ways.
The so-called Judeo-Christian nations of the world are now doing exactly the same thing with Syria. Assad is the new Slobodan Milošević because he is not a true Muslim and besides that he has never learned to bow down to Saudi Arabia like Obama does... he is too secular a human being and furthermore he is friends with Iran which is a big "NO NO" ... didn't you know ! The Sunni Muslim populace is never to be blamed. They belong to the Religion of Peace. Christianity is the religion that is a curse on Earth and needs to be destroyed. Islam has to be preserved because we love slavery and shariah and our thirst for fresh hot blood spurting forth from freshly chopped off heads is simply delicious and in the order of things beautiful.
From InterfaxReligion
The church of the Holy Virgin Hodegetria was built as a foundation by Dragoslav, the then chief court governor, and his family, in 1315, in Musutiste, about 10 km to the south-east of Suva Reka. Destroyed.
The medieval monastery of St Mark of Korisa used to stand on a rocky outpost above the Korisa river, 3 km south-east of the village of Korisa. Destroyed.
The monastery of the Holy Archangel Gabriel, also known under the names of Binac and Buzovik, was built in the 14th century. It was located some 4-5 km south of Vitina, at the spring of the river Susica. Destroyed.
Devic monastery -- Drenica (south of Srbica) -- the Church of the Presentation of the Holy Virgin was built around the year 1434 by Despot Djuradj Brankovic in memory of his virgin ("devica") daughter, after whom the monastery was named, and her recovery from an illness. Destroyed.
The monastery Church of the Holy Virgin (also known as the Church of our Immaculate Lady) was built in Dolac near Klina. The church was a single-nave building, rectangular at the foundations, with a semi-cylindrical vault and a semi-round apse. Destroyed.
The Church of St Nicholas, in the village of Slovinje near Lipljan, was built in the 16th century, pulled down in the 19th century and reconstructed in 1996. Destroyed.
The new Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul was built in 1938, on the eastern outskirts of the town of Suva Reka. Beside the church with a dome was a belfry. Destroyed.
The new Church of the Holy Trinity in the village of Petric, on the Pec-Pristina road, was built as a foundation of the Karic family in 1992. Destroyed
The Church of the Holy Trinity in Djakovica was completed in 1999 on the foundations of a five-dome memorial church. The previous church on this site was built as a mausoleum for all killed, murdered and frozen soldiers in the wars of 1912-1918. Destroyed
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