Clayton Ruby who has a big mouth which he keeps open like a venus-fly-trap, has the audacity to tell reporters that:
....“By breaking the law in such a flagrant manner, Rob Ford has put this city into unnecessary turmoil,”This lawyer fuck and the other plotters in the conspiracy against the mayor are the ones who have put the city of Toronto into turmoil and believe me this immigrant city is not going to forget nor forgive how one particular segment of the rabid lefty community who think they own Toronto because they arrived here a few decades before us the "farily new immigrants" have a more weighty right to choose a mayor than the newcomers.
What a lovely place the world would be if lawyers like this hypocritic scum were not so plentiful.
At this article in NationalPost some of the intelligent people of this city commenting as follows:
steve My gosh you have to love the spin and arrogance of Ruby , Magder and their ilk. " By breaking the law in such a flagrant manner, Rob Ford has put this city into unnecessary turmoil,” said Mr. Ruby in a press release.Well, actually no Mr Ruby...by being such a political ideologue and by voraciously bringing a suit to court on a technical violation where there was no pecuniary interest for the defendant and where the city neither lost any advantage nor paid any price, you , and your similar band of socialist poppycocks have put this city into unnecessary turmoil.What a primped up and self absorbed man-diva .
sunrunner95 Toronto has a strange system of Democracy.Vote a Mayor in ,then constantly smear him and then get a couple of old "Lefty" Lawyers to tell the voters that elected him,you wasted your time.Yet McGuinty destroys Ontario with deceit and dishonesty and retires with a nice taxpayer paid pension
steve Not quite...the $3150 did not go to Rob Ford, it went to the charity which is run at arm's length and had already been spent for equipment for the players. To demand that someone pay out of their own pocket, monies that they did not receive personally is not the same thing as requiring a repayment of funds which directly benefited the individual.Rob Ford was saying, and defending his view, that to be asked to pay for something that he didn't receive seemed wrong...which is why I said it was a technical violation.Today, Dec 5, Mayor Rob Ford's lawyers obtained a stay until the appeal on Jan.7, 2013, on Injustice Charles Hackland's cockeyed ruling and the venus-fly-trap had this to squeak:
....On Wednesday, he said putting the punishment on hold is “in the public interest.”“It would be inappropriate for the city to start down the complicated and perhaps expensive road of replacing Mayor Ford when this court has been able to offer us an appeal date within a month and a half of the judgment,” said Mr. Ruby, which he also said was unusual.....Clayton Ruby is a Fucking Bastard !!! With a capital F and a capital B. And so also are the plotters in the conspiracy against a mayor who has been elected by 383501 Torontonians..... the vile Adam Chaleff-Freudenthaler, Paul Magder and others hiding in the shadows. I read somewhere that Paul Magder's wife Fern Mosoff, is also a lawyer or some sort of a judge. Haven't checked up on that ... but if it's true then this conspiracy against our mayor was hatched in the houses and at kitchen tables of some very determined enemies of the mayor as a personal vendetta without giving a thought to the welfare of this city and to the voters' democratic choice. That's exactly how conspiracies are conspired ... with pure unadulterated hatred for a person or persons and without any regard whatsoever for the consequences of their actions as long as the object of their hatred is destroyed and vanquished.
Comments today from probably some of the voters of Rob Ford at the article from CTVNews ... Toronto city's news outlet:
Elizabeth Finally some common sense! For what Rob Ford did this court case and all the media attention just seems so ridiculous. We're talking approx $3000.00 he raised, not for himself, but rather at risk youth. Perhaps Mr Ruby should take McGuinty to court. Now THAT would make sense! Good for Rob Ford! He is the Mayor and deserves to be Mayor! And, I hope he wins his appeal in January.
geebee Good...now the frothing compassionate, inclusive Left can continue to red-line their political tachometers showing their true colours. Hope Ford is re-elected.
Laughable Left @Truth Hurts No, the people that voted for him dont want him removed from office. It is the leftists that permiate the urban center who have always had trouble accepting the fact that they are not the 'center of the universe;' and have never been able to deal with losing an electio, that want him gone.
CANADIAN BOZO @ Jo-Allen: Actually, according to the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF), McGuinty's Liberal government has, indeed, added $110B to Ontario's debt. The province's per-capita currently sits at $17,626, which is higher than our federal per-capita debt. Nationally, that puts Ontario second from the bottom. McGuinty has spent Ontario into the basement, from a surplus of four (4) years ago. Terrific fiscal management. Remind us again why Liberals are so superior to Conservatives.
Gatvol, Edmonton Typically Toronto: they had to go and screw with the one good thing they have. Must be the worst city in the world. So happy I moved to the Free West.
MikeW Paul Magder said he’s agreed to the stay “to give the city of Toronto a measure of stability” while Ford’s appeal winds its way through the justice system. What a load of crap. Likely as a result of the outrage shown by a majority of constituents.
Fern Mosof lawyer or judge? I dont think so. Try landscape designer or urban planner. I heard it mentioned somewhere.