Wednesday, November 28, 2012
More on the putrid Paul Magder and how the Left has disenfranchised 383501 Torontonians who voted for Rob Ford
The Left's vendetta against the best mayor in Canada, Rob Ford the mayor of the city of Toronto and the Torontonians who voted for him, continues. How can this injustice happen in a country that is supposed to be fair and just ??????
It does not matter from which angle you look at the situation, the fact is all too "in your face" that this was a conspiracy hatched by the Left to disenfranchise the citizens of Toronto from their right to choose and cast their vote for the person of their choice to run the city of Toronto FOR THE DURATION OF THE TENURE AND UNTIL SUCH TIME THAT THE CITIZEN VOTERS IN THEIR MAJORITY FELT THAT THE MAYOR WAS INEFFICIENT OR NOT DILIGENT IN HIS DUTIES AND FOUND IT NECESSARY TO REMOVE HIM by class action.
It is 100% crystal clear that the putrid Paul Magder had a personal vendetta disguised as whatever saintly shit he or his lawyer says it is, against the Ford family from way back when.
From NOW Toronto:
.....Magder has previously filed complaints with the lobbyist registrar against Councillor Doug Ford, the mayor’s brother, and has worked for Adam Chaleff-Freudenthaler, who is pursuing an audit of Rob Ford’s campaign finances.....
Sue Ann-Levy at TorontoSun:
.....Still for Ruby and the applicant, Paul Magder, to create a broyges (Yiddish for big f---ing deal, or war) over Ford’s earnest attempts to raise money for underprivileged football players (without using tax money!) shows not just the hypocrisy of the left, but their lack of character......
Magder admitted Monday that he volunteered on Adam Chaleff-Freudenthaler’s failed campaign for school trustee in 2010. If there is one professional activist who’s had a hard time adjusting to life under Ford, it is Chaleff-Freudenthaler, who also has tight ties to another leftist has-been, Joe Mihevc.
The guy initiated an integrity complaint against Doug Ford and a compliance audit against the mayor. He lobbies councillors regularly on Twitter and makes vindictive comments like this one whenever the mood strikes him:
“As Don (Peat) would say, Good morning Toronto! RT @reporterdonpeat: Legal application filed to oust #Toronto Mayor Rob Ford.”
No doubt the snivelling leftist whiner was licking his chops when he tweeted that.
If only Ruby, or Magder (who is a VP for a Mississauga power company), would be as vigilant about acting for the “public good” and launch a similar conflict-of-interest suit against 90-year-old Mississauga mayor Hazel McCallion.
After all, Hon. J. Douglas Cunningham found her in a “real and apparent conflict of interest” last October for intervening in a land deal involving a company in which her son Peter was a shareholder.
If only Ruby and Co. would have shrieked with the same self-righteous indignation during the last term of council — under King David Miller — when Kyle Rae spent an outrageous $12,000 on a party attended by all of his political, lobbyist and developer pals to fete himself.
I wish Ruby and Co. would have spoken up with the same passion in 2008 when council decided to foot the $6,381 legal bill for leftist Maria Augimeri to defend an Code of Conduct complaint — after she was found in “serious violation” of the Code.
Clayton, Clayton, Clayton. There were so many (now missed) opportunities in years gone by for you to act for the “public good.”.....
Christie Blatchford at FullComment:
....So, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has been given the boot from office because an opportunistic citizen hired a smart and politically savvy lawyer who found a club of an arcane statute with which to tie the hands of a judge who was willing to play ball.
That’s the short and dirty version of the bombshell that has dropped.
There was “absolutely no issue of corruption or pecuniary gain” on Mr. Ford’s part, Ontario Superior Court Judge Charles Hackland wrote in a decision released Monday.
In other words, this isn’t analogous to the cases involving other Canadian mayors where the allegations are about corruption or the countenancing of corruption — Joe Fontana, of London, Ont., who is facing fraud charges, and refuses to step down; Laval’s Gilles Vaillancourt, who quit earlier this month after a witness at Quebec’s corruption inquiry testified the mayor took kickbacks on all construction contracts; Montreal’s Gerald Tremblay, who resigned Nov. 6 amid accusations he had turned a blind eye to the corruption that was purportedly all around him.
To quote Judge Hackland again: Mayor Ford’s case, by comparison, “involved a modest amount of money which he endeavoured to raise for a legitimate charity [his football foundation], which is administered at arm’s length through the Community Foundation of Toronto.”.....
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