Saturday, August 11, 2012
Terrorists in Syria hang a 4-yr old Shia boy
The first link has photo of a small dead child whose face looks bruised and bleeding and hanging by a rope. The second link (translation from German) has an editor's note to say they have removed the photos they had of the child due to public outcry. If, this is not a fake photo, and if, the story is true and not propaganda by the Shiites, then this child was 4 yrs old and had also been raped within the last week before his death. IF this story is true, then the USA, Britain, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and every country arming and abetting with the terrorist gangs for the sole purpose of removing Assad, are complicit in this atrocity and all atrocities being committed in Syria by those they have armed to the teeth.
.....According to a report made by Iraq’s Qanon news website, Iraqi human rights activists are claiming that “armed rebel groups attacked the house of a Shiite Iraqi family in the Seyede Zainab neighborhood in the capital city of Damascus, killed all members of the family and hanged the last one, a little child.”.....
The Syrian terrorists who call themselves "Free Syrian army" and "opposition" have, in Damascus, a four-year-old boy hanged himself in his children's pajamas, after they had murdered before his eyes the whole family.
According to a report by Iraqi human rights activists, armed rebel groups had the house of a Shiite - raided Iraqi family in Seyede Zainab district of Damascus and killed the mother, father, sisters and brothers and grandparents. After the youngest child of the family of the "rebels" with blows and kicks were abused horribly and then publicly hanged. Previously, it was forced to kill his family to watch.
At the autopsy it was found that death due to cerebral ischemia (acute ischemia of a brain part) and occurred due to the pressure of the rope to the neck vessels. Even severe injuries were found in the anal region, because the child has been raped. In a similar crime in the past week, the "rebels" in the northwestern city of Aleppo brutal 15 civilians on charges of supporting Bashar al-Assad executed government. Hundreds of people, including members of the security forces were killed in various protests, which then turned into armed clashes. The Assad government accused of Outlaws, saboteurs, and armed terrorist groups of countless killings and said that the riots are orchestrated from abroad. The U.S. and many other Western countries financially support this child killer........
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