Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Catholic Church = Big Fat Zero and Dalton "Fuck the Catholics" McGuinty = Clear Winner
I can visualize the gloating going on downtown Toronto at Gay headquarters. This is how depravity and madness seeps into our culture and into our families and into our lives. Little by little, drop by drop, inch by inch.
Statement from the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario
re: Accepting Schools Act (Bill 13)
Today the Ontario Legislature has passed Bill 13. The Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario has expressed serious concerns regarding certain aspects of this legislation, as have numerous other individual citizens and groups.
Recognizing that the Accepting Schools Act is now the law, Catholic partners will seek, as we have always done, in a way that is in accord with our faith, to foster safe and welcoming school communities. Bullying, in any form, is unacceptable. At the core of our Catholic Christian beliefs is the command to welcome every person with love and respect.
Thomas Cardinal Collins
Archbishop of Toronto
President, Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario
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