Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Photo dated 2003 of dead Iraqis is shown by BBC as dead Syrian kids from Houla
The BBC is a favorite slave of their Wahhabi masters. BBC = Bastards Bitches Corporation. What are the chances that all this was hatched by our so-called leaders in the Chicago meeting? What a scandal! What a hoax! What supreme propaganda on behalf of the worst kind of dictators in the Wahhabi nations! Our Western leaders should hide their faces in shame.
Photographer Marco Di Lauro calls out the BBC for mislabeling one of his photos. At his facebook page he says:
"Somebody is using illegaly one of my images for anti shyrian propaganda on the BBC web site front page.
Today Sunday May 27 at 0700 am London time the attached image which I took in Al Mussayyib in Iraq on March 27, 2003 (see caption below) was front page on BBC web site illustrating the massacre that happen in Houla the Syrian town and the caption and the web site was stating that the images was showing the bodies of all the people that have been killed in the massacre and that the image was received by the BBC by an unknown activist. Somebody is using my images as a propaganda against the Syrian government to prove the massacre."
Al Musayyib, Iraq - May 27, 2003
An Iraqi Child jumps over a line of hundreds of bodies, in a school where they have been transported from a mass grave, to be identified. They were discovered in the desert.
Max Fisher writing at TheAtlantic:
We might never know who first entered this photo into the social media currents, which sent it flying through Arabic- and English-language social networks (including my own Twitter account) until it landed on the BBC website's front page. Though it purportedly shows victims of Saturday's massacre in the Syrian town of Houla, sourced from the anonymous "activists" who have provided so many similar images throughout the Arab Spring, in fact it is from Iraq and nearly a decade old.
Its actual photographer, Marco Di Lauro, fumed on his Facebook page that "somebody is using my images as propaganda." The photo, he explained, was taken in Iraq in May 2003, shortly after the U.S.-led invasion toppled Saddam Hussein. According to its original caption, it shows bodies being prepared for mass burial in the town of Musayyib, where they'd been killed in the early 1990s by Saddam's forces as punishment for a failed uprising.
It's easy to see why Di Lauro would be upset, but the BBC's error seems like an innocent one, and is in some ways an inevitable result of the changing ways in which international media cover conflict zones. Places such as Houla, where Syrian forces killed dozens of civilians including 32 children under the age of 10, are often too dangerous to cover first-hand. Even when journalists can make their way in, as with New York Times photographer Tyler Hicks' trip to Syria in February, the visit must be brief, and even the journey to and from can be enormously risky; Times reporter Anthony Shadid died on the trip. .......
TheAtlantic's Fisher reads only the American MSM and does not venture into other avenues thus making his reporting insipid and half-assed.
I always used to dismiss the stuff from PrisonPlanet as just conspiracies but of late they are being proven accurate in many areas....much more than the MSM.
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