Monday, May 21, 2012
Many more bloody pieces from the Religion of Peace
Wonder of wonders, it looks like May 16 was declared a day of rest .... constant killing can be exhaustive, just ask the folks at Criminal Minds. But no fear, the muzzies rose from their one day slumber all fresh and raring to go chop up more bodies. The winner in this round was Iraq with 26 points (heading towards civil war or already in one?), Afghanistan in 2nd place with 12 points and Syria in 3rd place with 9 points.
2012.05.19 (Mogadishu, Somalia) - Two people are killed when al-Shabaab militants toss hand grenades into a market.
2012.05.19 (Khost, Afghanistan) - Two children are among at least ten civilians wiped out by a Taliban suicide attack on a meeting between police and locals.
2012.05.19 (Deir Ezzor, Syria) - A least nine people are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2012.05.18 (Baghdad, Iraq) - A family of five, including three young children, are murdered in their own home by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2012.05.18 (Kunar, Afghanistan) - Two women and a child are crushed in their own home by a Sunni mortar round.
2012.05.18 (Baghdad, Iraq) - Terrorists detonate a bomb at a restaurant, killing five innocents.
2012.05.18 (Azzeffoun, Algeria) - Fundamentalists bomb a Coast Guard barracks, killing two sleeping members.
2012.05.18 (Baghdad, Iraq) - Holy Warriors bomb a bird market, packed with shoppers, leaving at least five dead.
2012.05.17 (Quetta, Pakistan) - Two Shia police officers are murdered in a targeted attack by Sunnis.
2012.05.17 (Farah, Afghanistan) - Seven people are shot or blasted to death during a sustained Fedayeen assault on a house.
2012.05.15 (Quetta, Pakistan) - A Christian man is shot to death while walking home
2012.05.15 (Mosul, Iraq) - Seven Iraqis are taken out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2012.05.15 (Mombasa, Kenya) - A woman dies from a gunshot wound to the chest as Islamists assault a nightclub.
2012.05.15 (Quetta, Pakistan) - Two Shiite brothers are murdered by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi gunmen.
update: More bloody pieces found for May 19. With that the total for winner Iraq go up by another 3 points.
2012.05.19 Somalia Mogadishu At least five Somalis are exterminated by an Islamic roadside bomb.
2012.05.19 Pakistan Lahore A Shiite poet is gunned down by a Sunni terrorist.
2012.05.19 Nigeria On-Mbaagbu Muslim 'mercenaries' storm two Christian villages and slaughter seven people, including a 2-year-old boy butchered with a knife.
2012.05.19 Thailand Narathiwat Islamic 'separatists' murder an owner in front of his shop.
2012.05.19 Iraq Mosul Three local policemen are blasted to bits by Sunni roadside bombers
via: TROP
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