Friday, May 11, 2012
The continuing saga of how Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty and his govt has indoctrinated Canadian kids to the cult of islam and racism
This is one of the biggest scandals to hit Ontario. Dalton McGuinty and his Ontario Minister of Education Broten should be locked up and the key to their cells thrown into the Black Sea. This is the saga of how a traitorous premier has made the province of Ontario a beacon for muslim immigrants (which to put it bluntly means a province for welfare seekers) so he can harvest their votes in exchange for social services and other goodies all at the cost to taxpayers not only from Ontario but the entire country as well. One of the best provinces in Canada has now become a have-not province dependent on Federal aid .
The following blogs from BlazingCatFur link to some very unsavory facts about the Toronto District School Board(TDSB) decisions which are affecting the lives of Canadian children and thus affecting the future well-being of Canada.
The blogs are also a testament of how a dedicated and determined blogger like BCF can make people sit up, take notice and stop from being zombies.
Maulana Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi Of Toronto Hate Maddrassah: Salafists = Zionists
More On The Company The TDSB Keeps: A new racism in our kids’ schools
Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi Toronto Hate Madrassah Mullah Condemns Government "Enemies Of Islam" For Hate Crime Investigation ...Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi the Mullah responsible for the East End Madrassah Jew Hate scandal, switches to Urdu at the end, ....
TDSB Trustee Gershon - Yes To Mosqueteria! No To RCMP! ...TDSB Trustee Gerri Gershon - who represents the district housing Toronto's Valley Park Middle School Mosqueteria, is very very very very concerned about allowing the RCMP into schools! ...............
Toronto Hate Madrassah Mullah Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi Gives Sermon On Media & Jewish Organization Distortions! It's all distortions! They've jumped to conclusions! The Newspapers have an agenda! Oh Oh Oh! I'm a victim I is! ....................
Statement from the Children’s Rights Institute on Toronto school under investigation for preparing kids for Jihad
Toronto Hate Madrassah's Anti-Jewish Texts Made in Iran
Maulana Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi: The Sargent Schultz Of Shia Since the story broke of Toronto's Hate Madrassah I've had a couple of persistent "commenters" attempting to distance Maulana Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi from any responsibility whatsoever for the school run by the organization he represents as the Top Maulana Banana.
It's the pattern we've come to expect from the Muslim community. The minute they're caught they deny, deny, deny............
Only On Menzoid! Brigitte Pellerin: Toronto Hate Madrassah Issues The "Bart Simpson Of Apologies"
Hate Madrassah Parent The Islamic Shia Ithna Jamaat Donated Funds To Kitchener Hate Charity: Jews & Wahhabis Conspire To Destroy Islam
Toronto Hate Crime Madrassah Issues Apology - We've Been Hating For 40 Years "Unintentionally" "The excerpt referred to in the press release of CIJA should never have been a part of our curriculum. We unreservedly apologize to the Jewish community for the unintentional offence that the item has caused"
I call Bullshit.
The East End Madrassah is an affiliate organization of the Islamic Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat (ISIJ). The Imam's who run the ISIJ also ran
I made some new friends: Police investigating Islamic school over curriculum comparing Jews to Nazis
TDSB personnel admit that they intentionally discriminate against Christianity in the name of equity! Anyone concerned with the direction of public education in Toronto should be aware that:
TDSB personnel admit that they intentionally discriminate against Christianity.
The TDSB feels we need to focus more on race, and that our system is debased by white privilege. (Although this will come as no surprise given the board has already created a racially exclusionary Afrocentric school and wants to create more.)
Anyone who dares to challenge their notion of multiculturalism and questions their idea of integration for immigrants and the direction Canadian culture is taking is a hatemonger........
Blazingcatfur gets results: Centre For Israel & Jewish Affairs Denounces Anti-Semitic Madrassah Operating In Toronto District School Board High School
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