It always amazes me how the Left in their zest and quest to refrain from hurting anybody, wind up hurting everybody. In the story below (I actually like that they have tackled this issue, but we still need to point out their inherent flaws) they refrain from giving the ethnicity of the oppressed teenager, however, they are all too eager to divulge the name of the country she has migrated from..... India ..... thus lumping the majority Hindus and Buddhists, along with the Christians, Atheists and Muslims of that nation .... as potential abusers of their teenage girls.
CBC ... please try and be less politically correct .... at least once. PLEASE!!
I am presuming the teenager here is not from a Muslim family because her father drinks. It matters not ... we like transparency and the best method to make people change from their backward traditional ways to the Canadian way is to name and shame. If you don't like the Canadian way of life, then you have made a mistake migrating to this country .... please go back. That's the message that should be sent out to any and all immigrants, loud and clear. Such messages will go a long way to speed up the integration and assimilation processes too.
A teen in the Greater Toronto Area who has experienced domestic abuse is shining a light on an issue encountered by many new immigrant women, community counsellors say.
The teen, whose identity is not being disclosed by CBC in order to protect her, emigrated from India a few years ago with her family.
The family keeps to themselves, and the teen is literally kept under lock and key.
The girl said that when her parents leave their home, they lock the door and take the keys with them. She has no social life, no privacy and doesn’t get to choose which clothes she can wear to school.
She has been beaten by her father, and is fearful when he drinks.....
....But it becomes more complicated when the abuse happens in immigrant families, says Zahra Dhanani, a lawyer and activist who has counselled South Asian women who have encountered abuse.
She said there are some immigrant women who are in "painful and oppressive situations" who are resigned to the fact that this is their lot in life.
"There's a lot of conditioning that happens in some, you know, recently arrived homes that also say, 'We are a unit against the whole world,'" she said.............
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