Update from March 7, 2012: The media was there in droves: CNN, FOX, the New York Times, ABC, AP, Newsday, and, of course, PJMedia. They quoted the speeches and interviewed the American Islamic Leadership Coalition (AILC) speakers. They also interviewed anyone who was standing at 1 Police Plaza. A reporter from The American Thinker even interviewed and photographed me (!) without my knowing it.
Thus, one of the Muslim citizens present, who is not a member of AILC, and who was not speaking for them, was nevertheless photographed and interviewed by some media. Queens Imam Qazi Qayyoom was interviewed by ABC News. He is quoted as saying that "he believes that the NYPD is keeping his community safe, and if that means some Muslims are monitored, so be it."........
.....Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, a former Navy physician and a religious Muslim who founded AILC in 2010, said that his group felt compelled to come here "to support the NYPD, given the relentless and unfair pummeling they have endured by Islamist groups." He insisted: "We, as Muslims, should be monitoring extremism," not "grievance mongering." Dr. Jasser pointed out that "80 percent of terrorist arrests are of Muslims. We are only 1% of the population." He suggested that "Muslims start taking responsibility instead of charging 'Islamophobia.'"........
h/t: Pam
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