Thursday, March 29, 2012
Now do you believe me ?
I always thought and said openly within the pages of this blog, that the war against Libya and the ultimate murder of Gadhafi was at the behest of Saudi Arabia and was carried out by Saudi Arabia's slaves ... NATO and the UN.
What I had said in one particular post on Libya dated April 4, 2011 was this:
"UN and NATO have shamed themselves. I agree with Diana Johnstone here, although she is a leftist... and it pains me to agree with that species, even on a miniscule basis. Libya's problems are Libya's problems, their civil war is theirs alone or if not theirs, then let the nutty nations surrounding the madman take care of him. NATO and UN had their own motives.... all those motives came from Saudi Arabia.... the real masters of the UN. For whatever reason, a reason which is not apparent to us at this present time, it must have been Saudi Arabia that manipulated the UN and NATO to take action in Libya."
The following today from Reuters should throw some light on stuff right in front of our noses but we adamantly refuse to see it.
.... On a tidy campus in his capital of Tripoli, dictator Muammar Gaddafi sponsored one of the world's leading Muslim missionary networks. It was the smiling face of his Libyan regime, and the world smiled back.
The World Islamic Call Society (WICS) sent staffers out to build mosques and provide humanitarian relief. It gave poor students a free university education, in religion, finance and computer science. Its missionaries traversed Africa preaching a moderate, Sufi-tinged version of Islam as an alternative to the strict Wahhabism that Saudi Arabia was spreading.
The Society won approval in high places. The Vatican counted it among its partners in Christian-Muslim dialogue and both Pope John Paul and Pope Benedict received its secretary general. Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, spiritual head of the world's Anglicans, visited the campus in 2009 to deliver a lecture. The following year, the U.S. State Department noted approvingly how the Society had helped Filipino Christian migrant workers start a church in Libya.
But the Society had a darker side that occasionally flashed into view. In Africa, rumors abounded for years of Society staffers paying off local politicians or supporting insurgent groups. In 2004, an American Muslim leader was convicted of a plot to assassinate the Saudi crown prince, financed in part by the Society. In 2011, Canada stripped the local Society office of its charity status after it found the director had diverted Society money to a radical group that had attempted a coup in Trinidad and Tobago in 1990 and was linked to a plot to bomb New York's Kennedy Airport in 2007..........
Conclusion: NATO and the UN destroyed Libya because Saudi Arabia wanted to stop Gadhafi from spreading a light-weight islam in Africa. So, you see dear fellow Canadians, our own government was complicit in Saudi Arabia's plan to spread radical islam instead of Gadhafi's milder one.
I don't know about you ... but as a Canadian I am deeply ashamed of what we did to Gadhafi and his people.
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