Monday, March 5, 2012
The Conservative govt. of Canada must be very proud of the new Libya ....
because this is the govt of Stephen Harper that helped to "liberate" the old Libya from the "evil" Gadhafi so the Libyans of the new Libya could desecrate the grave of our WWII Canadian soldier. We should all send a note of congratulations to our PM. Well done, Sir !!! Keep it up. Next stop Syria? Yay, let's go help those who wish us harm. What can go wrong with that, eh Mr.Harper?
And, this is the same government who has the gall to criticize Russia and China for not being on the same page as their own plans into further disastrous foreign policy forays? Russia and China know better than any Western country about the nature of the beast(s). Russia has a militant muslim population wrecking havoc on a daily basis and China has a blood thirsty muslim population in their northernmost province and they know how not to interfere when the beasts go at each other's throats. Canada and the USA are like school kids compared to the superior knowledge about islam and it's followers that only the Russian and Chinese govts. possess.
...Of the 1,051 identified graves, 851 are those of British troops, with others belonging to Australian, Canadian, New Zealand, South African and Indian servicemen.
The Toronto Star has identified the Canadian whose grave was defiled as Flying Officer Martin Northmore, a 21-year-old from Toronto.
The paper reported Northmore was killed while fighting in North Africa and in 1943 was buried at the Benghazi War Cemetery......
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