Tuesday, March 13, 2012
British govt aiding and abetting muslim fanatics to destroy Christianity
The controversial and outrageous initiative of the UK govt to ban the wearing of crosses from the workplace is nothing less than aiding the enemy of Christianity. Now it makes sense to me. UK wants to ban crosses and islam has a tradition of breaking crosses.
Conclusion: The logical explanation is the one right in front of our noses. The present UK govt. is in perfect sync with islamists, both are bent on destroying Christianity. Muslims hate the symbol of Christianity, the Cross. The Britsh govt. is helping to destroy Christainity's symbol in keeping with the wishes of their ally.
Mark Durie writing at Stonegate says: ....The men are methodically, deliberately, and in an organized fashion, going about destroying crosses and objects marked with crosses. Their mood seems happy. Every now and again the cry Allahu Akbar rings out, or a chuckle of joy. They pass comments on the graves as they kick them over: "Break the cross that belongs to those," "This is the grave of a Christian," and, "This tomb has a cross on it: a kaffir [disbeliever].".....
.....In the YouTube video, when one of the men says, "Break the cross that belongs to those dogs," he uses the same classical Arabic phrase – "break the cross' (the Arabic root is k.s.r 'break') -- which is found in a famous hadith (tradition) about Jesus — understood in Islam to be a Muslim prophet — who will return to the earth as a cross-destroying enforcer of Islamic Sharia law:
Narrated Abu Huraira: "Allah's Apostle said, 'By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, surely [Jesus,] the son of Mary will soon descend amongst you and will judge mankind justly [as a Just Ruler]; he will break the cross and kill the pigs and there will be no jizya [i.e. no taxation taken from non Muslims: because they will all be forced to convert to Islam]. …'"
(Sahih al-Bukhari: The Book of the Stories of the Prophets. 4:60:3448.)
This phrase 'break the cross' is religious and ritualistic in its overtones, invoking the canon of Islam. It is like a Christian saying 'forgive us our trespasses' in reference to the Lord's Prayer. This is a clear reference to the words of Muhammad, and invokes his authority for the deed being performed.......
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