Wednesday, February 15, 2012

India drafts new laws for it's muslim population

Congratulations to the Indian muslim community.   India, known as a "third world country" (really?) and it's muslim population makes progressive changes, whereas, a "first world" country like Canada looks for additional ways to appease muslims and keep them  rooted in their cavemen ways.  An upside-down world.

.....As reported by TNN writer Mohammed Wajihuddin, a recent meeting of Islamic scholars and activists has produced a "revolutionary" Draft Muslim Personal Law that would prohibit "triple talaq" divorce, in which a husband may reject his wife by a thrice-repeated oral declaration, and would require that all nikahnama (marriage contracts) be registered with state authorities. The minimum marriage age would be 18 for females and 21 for males. Polygamy would be disapproved.

The meeting that produced updated standards for Islamic Personal Law was called in New Delhi by the Institute of Islamic Studies (IIS) and the Centre for the Study of Society and Secularism (CSSS), both created by the Muslim modernizer Asghar Ali Engineer. It was co-hosted with the Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andolan (Indian Muslim Women's Movement – BMMA), launched in 2007. Dr. Engineer, who originated in the Dawoodi Bohra community of Ismaili Shia Muslims, has become an international personality in his criticism of the current state of Islam. BMMA, according to the Indian daily Pioneer, has 25,000 members.

The Draft Muslim Personal Law corpus supported by the New Delhi convocation emerged from consultations with Muslim women and legal experts at the state and regional levels. Noorjehan Safia Niaz, a founder-member of BMMA from Mumbai, described the Draft as "a law based on Quranic principles to help women." A representative of the IIS, Qutub Jehan Kidwai, clearly denounced "triple talaq" divorce, stating "it must be abolished."

As noted, the new Draft would discourage polygamy. Retired Kerala High Court Justice P. K. Shamsuddin said that "the spirit of Islam" supports monogamy. He argued in conformance with the conventional Sunni Muslim account of Muhammad's life, which holds that many Muslim men were killed in the battle of Uhud, leaving a great number of widows and orphans. The scriptural reference to polygamy (Qur'an 4:3), as Shamsuddin pointed out, states "if you risk dealing unjustly with orphaned girls, you may marry those pleasing to you, two or three or four. But if you risk treating them unequally, marry only one." The same verse (aya) legitimizes marriage with slave girls, which is already deemed unacceptable in many Muslim countries. But the sense of the verse, as Justice Shamsuddin indicates, favors marriage with a single partner......

h/t: SF

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