Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Chuck Norris on Obama, Soros, OWS and the MSM
An all round ass-kicker and true conservative. Now, I gotta go find all his movies and watch while imagining his karate kicks connectng with Obama's nose and Soros's head.
.... But have you noticed the particularly rapid acceleration of progressive MSM news reports in the last decade? Even for veteran news viewers, it is sometimes difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff. But how fair is that augmented bias for most trusting and unsuspecting Americans who turn to news for objectivity and comprehensive reporting?
Like many of you, my wife Gena and I are avid watchers of local, national and global news. Though we have our own preferences, we try to acquire a broad understanding of the big issues. But for quite some time, if we want to obtain the "complete news," we often have to go to multiple sources. And we feel for other hardworking people (including homemakers) who don't have the time to read and research like we do.....
...... Just a few months ago, Media Research Center's Dan Gainor exposed globalist George Soros' financial connections to MSM and his funding of $52 million to influence and direct journalism in the national networks. Or do you think it's merely a coincidence that Soros has ties to over 30 major news organizations, including The New York Times, The Associated Press, The Washington Post, NBC and ABC, and yet no one hears anything from those networks about his behind-the-scenes finagling and financing?
It fascinates me that Occupiers hate the rich cats unless they help finance their cause or rally at their sides, like George Soros and Michael Moore......
....Soros is spreading his dominion to control states' voting processes, too. Bubbling up in the progressive boiler for months has been the state of Wisconsin, which The New York Times called "a swing state in more ways than one." researchers actually just confessed a week ago that they couldn't verify the report that Soros holds a "significant ownership stake" in the companies that are tabulating the electronic votes in Wisconsin, but what about a "partial" ownership stake?
What we can document for certain is that Media Trackers, a "non-profit, non-partisan investigative watchdog dedicated to promoting accountability in the media and government across Wisconsin," discovered that Soros and his Open Society Foundations are financing the new Wisconsin section of the website MapLight, allegedly designed to draw "back the curtain on how money influences legislation around the issues that people care most about." Right. Draw back the curtain? Meaning a voting curtain? Interesting terminology. MapLight is the 15th organization in Wisconsin financed by Soros' grants.
...What is critical to keep in mind is progressives' goal. It isn't merely to sustain a Democratic administration and majority or to control the different strata of society, including Main Street and Wall Street. It is about the total transformation of the United States.
Fellow culture warrior and New York Times best-seller Robert Ringer stated it well: "Whether it's the Occupy Wall Street protesters, rioters in Greece, public workers defacing the state capitol building in Madison, Wisconsin, or thugs tearing down the city of Oakland, brick by brick, they are all focused on the same objective: equal distribution of wealth and a classless society. They may not use the word communism, but communism is precisely what they yearn for."
The social psychology being used by the progressives and liberal media on many trusting and unsuspecting Americans (including many in the Occupy movement) is nothing short of another play taken straight from Saul Alinsky's playbook, "Rules for Radicals": "A Marxist begins with his prime truth that all evils are caused by the exploitation of the proletariat by the capitalists. From this he logically proceeds to the revolution to end capitalism, then into the third stage of reorganization into a new social order or the dictatorship of the proletariat, and finally the last stage -- the political paradise of communism.".......
The epic scene above is from Way of the Dragon with Bruce Lee and I think this is the only movie where Chuck Norris does not come out the winner.
h/t: M
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