Here's another great article from Phyllis Chesler. And before I forget, here's wishing L'shanah tovah! Happy New Year! to my Jewish readers. The title of this post is misleading. Israel you are not alone.
And now it seems as if I am standing still while the years quickly swirl round me like autumn leaves, like diamond snowflakes. As one ages, time seems to gather speed.
Paradoxically, this particular moment in history seems to be taking place in slow motion. It seems we have been here before—but really, it is always new, always happening as if for the first time.
There is every reason to be pessimistic. Truth has been banished from the historical stage, jihad is fully underway, the Four Horsemen ride again, the poisoned words, like poison darts, have already struck their mark, the rockets have been raining down on Israel, many more, based in Iran, are almost poised to strike the Middle East, Europe, and America. The Ottoman Empire is back, demanding tribute; it competes with Iran for the Caliphate.
The United Nations crowd has just roared it's approval for the destruction of Israel. They were joined by Islamists everywhere and cheered on by educated Westerners, including Jews.
Those who view themselves as the best among us are hopeless dreamers, stuck in amber, stuck in time, they are idealists who are more committed to fighting for the rights of fundamentalists than they are committed to fighting for the survival of the West and its values............
h/t: Pam
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