while protecting women members.
......As some of us travelled in together it was only right that we regrouped at the JD Weatherspoons on Edgeware Road to travel back out together making sure noone was left behind.
It was only after most people dispersed that one group were set upon and 2 brave lads were stabbed in an attempt to take their lives while they were protecting a couple female EDL Angels which resulted in the arrest of 11 Jihadists who are currently being held in custody and helping police with their enquiries. Obviously as this is now a criminal investigation we cant discuss anymore details concerning it.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to these two immensly brave men and we wish them a speedy recovery.
We stood our ground, We Never Surrendered and once again The English Defence League highlighted the jihadists for what they really are - Knife weilding, 6th century barbarians, we highlighted the the governments two tier system which allows Radical Islamists to insult the memories of those who lost their lives in 9/11 while marching in a city where marching is supposedly banned for 30 Days, and finally we highlighted The Metropolitan Hierarchy`s two tier system of policing that is currently opperating in our once great nation which allows Islamists to be treated with kid gloves while True Patriots are herded about like cattle, warned of arrest for slagging Bin Laden, threatened with sections 27s for taking out our national flag, beaton from pilar to post with koshs and even stabbed in attempts on our lives.
All to silence and take away our Democratic Right to speak out about Radical Islam.
We Shall Never Forget........
via: VladTepesBlog who has more on this.
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