Phyllis Chesler writing at FrontPage Mag: ...Under Shariah law, the victim has the right to demand an eye-for-an-eye if other negotiations fail. In this case, the great Islamic Republic of Iran was prepared to have a physician drop acid into Movahedi’s eyes—unless his victim forgave him.
On July 31st, 2011, at the last minute, in the hospital, she did so. Movahedi wept.........
.....Maybe poor Ameneh should marry the fiend; maybe Majiid should atone for his crime by serving and supporting his victim for the rest of his life. But Ameneh didn’t want him before; how much more repulsive he must seem to her now.
On July 31, 2011, on the same day Ameneh forgave the man who blinded and disfigured her, the New York Times ran two pieces on their front page. One article continued its non-stop jihad against the anti-jihadic/anti-Shariah bloggers (whom it blames for the “Islamophobic” Norwegian massacre of mainly ethnic infidel Norwegians). The other article, right beneath it, is titled: “Afghans Rage at Young Lovers; A Father Says Kill Them Both.”
“Lovers”? Hardly. These two seventeen-year-olds have possibly—probably—exchanged glances and perhaps a love letter or two. Maybe they once held hands or even once dared to share a quick, almost chaste kiss. Yes, these two seventeen year old Major Muslim Sinners decided it was better to marry than to burn in Hell. On their way to their (perhaps secret) wedding, “A group of men spotted the couple riding together in a car, yanked them into the road and began to interrogate the boy and the girl. Why were they together? What right had they? An angry crowd of 300 surged around them, calling them adulterers and demanding that they be stoned or hanged.”
The police rescued them from the raging mob but in the process killed a man. The girl’s family now want her dead; the mob wants the boy dead too because he is a Tajik and she is a Hazara. The family of the dead man have also sworn to kill her—“unless she marries one of their other sons (in order to pay) her debt.”
Funny, you don’t look like a barbarian.
The reporter, Andrea Elliott, notes that another young Afghan couple who had also fallen in love “were stoned to death (in Kunduz) by scores of people—including family members—after they eloped. The stoning marked a brutal application of Shariah law, captured on a video.”
Thus, Elliott’s article, while painting a horrifying picture of raging, out-of-control rural Afghan lynch mobs, also praises the Afghan police in Herat for having rescued the young Romeo and Juliet as well as the local clerics for having refused to condemn them.......
h/t: Pam
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