Thank God I am not "white" ... otherwise this story would have made me more livid than I already am reading it, and losing my temper is not good for my mental health... or so my darling family tells me.
What a pleasant surprise that the writer of the article is an African-American.
.....when Justin Moritz, a former law enforcement officer, applied to trademark the phrase “White Pride Country Wide,” ….he was REJECTED in no uncertain terms. Registration of the words was not only denied, but the phrase was ruled “offensive” and “immoral.” More succinctly, the trademark office claimed, “… the proposed mark consists of or comprises immoral or scandalous matter.”
Incredulous, Moritz’s next step was to appeal the decision and give trademark officials a chance to reconsider his request. He first did some homework and accumulated a list of all the trademarks given to terms that acknowledge pride of race or national origin. He came up with over three dozen relevant terms or slogans, many referencing people of color, which objectively could be deemed close relatives to “White Pride Country Wide.” All to no avail. Rejection of his registration was upheld, and to add to his vexation, his $1,300 trademark application fee was deemed non-refundable.
Moritz next turned to the ACLU, which, unsurprisingly, refused to petition the trademark office in his behalf. He then contacted the Center for Individual Rights, a public interest law firm. CIR did not take the case, but did place it on the website of the Federalist Society, where lawyers sometimes choose cases to handle pro bono. As of August, Moritz had not been contacted by a willing attorney.
Let’s face it, it would be surprising if Moritz found support, especially among Whites.........
h/t: Irene
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