1) This is the madness of the country that Bob Rae, Iggy and the entire Liberal clan were so hot for a little while ago. Remember how they were so upset because PM Harper declined to go with the deal that the UAE wanted done so their airlines could roam more freely over our skies and shoot our own Air Canada to smithereens? This is the exact kind of madness that the Liberal party are happy to be partners with any given day.
A 14-year-old Arab schoolgirl has been detained for two weeks on an adultery charge and forced to undergo a virginity test in the United Arab Emirates, a newspaper reports.
Gulf News reported police in the conservative emirate of Ajman had arrested the teenager after she met her boyfriend on the roof of her family home.She had since been forced to undergo a gynaecological examination which "confirmed she was still a virgin", the unnamed girl's father was quoted by the English-language daily as saying.
"The police have ruined the future of my daughter as she missed the school exam. She has been in police custody since March 22," the father said, adding that bail had been refused and the girl was being held with adult women.The paper said the man involved in the case, in his mid-20s, was later arrested in a neighbouring emirate. via: Religion of Peace
2) Daily Split ... Liberals reduced to vote buying ..... how sad is that !!!
3) Kosovo ... it's easy to understand NATO's fiasco there a bit better when you acknowledge the fact that the people within the UN are gullible and not as smart as we expect them to be. The UN and USA's history of backing the wrong side goes back many, many years. The graduates from the Univesity of Taqiyyah take them for a ride every time. They took them into Iraq instead of Saudi Arabia, they made them kill Christians in the Balkans while the taqiyyah masters were the real culprits and the list goes on and on and on. For all their might and power, the Americans are pretty naive when it comes to oscar winning actors like the lying moslems.
Why did I think of Kosovo while the Middle East is burning? Two words. Ivory Coast. UN is sealing the fate of Christians in Ivory Coast just like it did in the Balkans. The UN is against Christianity and Judaism and the sooner we come to grips with that fact, the better will be our defences.
vid via : Nexus of Assholery
4) Coptic Christians persecuted in Egypt. .....Hussein was accused of terrorizing the Copts, raping their wives, kidnapping their children for ransom and extortion. Attorney elNaggar said that I f proven these charges are punishable by the death penalty.
Security forces were informed last January of the incidents in both villages, "but they just turned a blind eye," said Coptic activist Nader Shoukry, who publicized the story last week after registering all crimes against the Coptic villagers
5) Woman pretending to be pregnant while hiding a bomb beneath her clothes is apprehended by Israeli border guards. If successful she would have levelled the hospital she had intended to visit and destroy.
via: Atlas Shrugs
6) Loonier than thou. Man stalks mentally ill victims.
7) Burka ban in France commences soon. Police have been told not to make public unveilings. Imagine that, Belgium and France are the first two countries in EU to ban burkas. What happened to you Quebec ? All noise, no action eh?
8) Selective religious rage. Some months ago Brian Lilley of the Toronto Sun listed a number of incidents committed by moslems against Christians (of course... that list has grown by several more items by now) after the Florida pastor was stopped from burning the koran.... but those incidents are worth noting.
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