My friend Irene says that the lefties in the USA are jubilant after hearing the news that Sarah Palin is making a trip to India in March. According to the blasted lefties, that proves that she will not be a contestant in the Presidential race. Hogwash.... hogwash and more hogwash ! Palin does not need the endless months that other hopefuls will be putting in the race. By now, she has made herself and her policies known to the vast majority of Americans. Anybody who thinks different has a nasty shock coming their way. Moreover, by not opting for a long campaign, she will have saved millions of taxpayers' dollars. She is all about saving money... and that's a good thing.... as Martha Stewart would say. dear sweet Irene.... never fear.... she is running and she will win. After India, maybe she should stop by South Korea too and maybe China once again. Kill three birds with the same stone and let them all see and feel the awesome persona, drive and a vibrant, peaceful future that she will bring to all of us. Why am I so confident that Palin will win the Presidency... read Solway's well written thoughts below and see for yourself.
Let me begin with a paradox. The more Sarah Palin seems unelectable, the more electable she may actually be. The media blitzkrieg launched against Palin may be interpreted not as a sign of her unfitness for office but precisely as a measure of her eligibility. As I’ve written elsewhere, “Palin’s electability can be reckoned as an inverse function of the virulent campaign intent on her delegitimation. … The greater the fury … she is met with, the greater the likelihood that she poses a genuine threat. One does not raise a mallet to crush an ant.” Conversely, the beatification of Obama by the same leftist media is an infallible indication that they are arguing in partibus infidelium. Indeed, the media is almost always inversely reliable, providing an ironic touchstone for the facts of any matter. Just cross out and write in the opposite and we can be confident of a more accurate approximation to the truth........................
h/t: Irene
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