1) UN the organization of Useless Nobodies fills the pockets of terrorists in Somalia with your hard-earned tax dollars. Yup. You better believe it. See how corrupt and ineffectual the UN has become. Shouldn't Canadians be asking their govt why we are the 7th biggest financier of this mafia-like organization? Wouldn't that same money be put to better use in our own country?
2) She was just 14 for crying out loud. If this is not the work of evil.... show me what is. Curses on those who call islam a religion. It's nothing but a cult and one of the worse kind humankind has ever known and the only cult that non-members of the cult have been tolerating and cultivating. Shame on all of us for calling islam a religion.
3) Cut off their heads That's what mad muzzies do to erase any trace of civilization other than their barbaric cult.
4) Vids to watch of a muzzie on CNN and FoxNews. This is one muzzie who is so arrogantly confident, he does not need to lean on any taqiyya like the other muzzies in the West. Watch and learn and send on the vids to others so they might also learn something, even at this late stage in the game. Below Hannity follows up with Brigette Gabriel on the muzzie's statements for her reactions.
Our MSM should open a history book and see what their job description is supposed to look like. I remember the MSM coverage of WW2 and Korea and I guarantee you there was NO political correctness in it. The bad guys on the front pages were called... The Huns, Krauts, Jerrys, Japs, Commies etc. and they put it straight up about the atrocities they committed. I wonder if I will live long enough to see honest coverage like the blog sphere with people like you provide on the front pages again. We could sure as hell use it.