1) Nothing lasts forever.... not even Saudi Arabia's dirty oil. WikiLeaks leaks yet another bombshell. The only hope for the USA and all countries depending on oil, is Canada's Oil Sands of Alberta. Peak Oil Report The UK is preparing for the soon to be depleted commodity. h/t: MF
2) Homeland Security issues warning about terror threat at it's highest. h/t: Lynn
3) Daniel Pipes in National Post's FullComment
4) Want to see a lame response from a dhimmi? Hard to believe we have so many of these totally emptyheaded dumbnuts all around us. Logan's Warning blogger writes to the only non-muslim employee of the taqiyya experts organization of the Ground Zero mosque and gets a response from a dhimmi with a Christian-Jewish background.
5) Republican Congressman with Liberal values trolls Craigslist ads looking for women. And, he's a married man !! Conservativism is not what it used to be.... not any more. via: Drudge
6) Hahahahahah The MSM just cannot do without going after Palin ...and that too errorneously as usual.
7) Wanna know how to teach kids to chop off hands of those who do not abide by the cavemen's creed ? Kids in UK schools can grab that very, very important knowledge that all kids should be made aware of.
8) If given a choice, would you pick to be born a prince, shamelessly rich or someone with a brain? The Prince of Wales got the first two but unfortunately not the most important of the three. Dumb, dumb, dumb eco-nut. I hope the Queen of England lives to a very, very, very, very ripe old age. Why does madness run in royal families more often than not.
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