Peter Hitchins gets some stuff off his chest.
....It is not a slur to raise the possibility that the crowds may have been unconsciously manipulated, nor is it a slur to speculate on one possible source of that manipulation. These things happen. Given the hugely different nature of the regimes targeted by sudden coincidental outbreaks of 'people power' and the curious fact that equally corrupt, equally tyrannical Syria has been immune from it (as has the Hamas tyranny in Gaza), one does have to wonder. Britain and the USA certainly used to do such things. Iran intervenes constantly on the affairs of other countries, especially post-Saddam Iraq and Syria. Syria intervenes in Lebanon, acting largely as Iran's proxy. These are known facts. I resent being accused of a 'slur' for speculating reasonably on the basis of them. I also dislike the suggestion that I could conceivably be the recipient of money from a tainted source.....
.....And in general when I ask critics of Israel to explain why they single that country out for criticism, in a world full of comparable or worse wickedness, they tend to become either silent or enraged. What they never do is explain their selective rage. To do so would be to admit that there might be an unreasoning core to it. The whole phenomenon of Judophobia is a very strange one, not as far as I can see susceptible to reason. I've tried many times to hold reasoned, fact-based correspondences with persons who have this difficulty. It is quite futile. Some people just have this trouble, and there we are. One would feel sorry for them if it were not that from time to time their trouble leads to murder and other cruelty. My own solution is to try to persuade them that it is a problem, and one they should make an effort to control. But the temptation to indulge it, under the flag of anti-Zionism, is too strong for many sufferers......
The article makes the case that Canadian born visible minorities were earning less than "white" Canadians. The writer, Joe Friesen, who seems to have a Globe&Mail-given title of "Demographics Reporter" must be re-thinking a lot of things after getting bombarded by the actual "visible minority" in Canada. Fun reading the comments. Here's a sampling:
Globally, whites are less than 10 percent of the earth's population. That makes us whites a 'visible minority'.
In the countries we built, we don't owe it to anybody to impoverish a percentage of our race to give a quota of scarce opportunities to others, just because they belong to the non-white majority.
Replace the term 'visible minority' with non-white. End this ideological game of re-engineering the look of society based on skin colour.
As one who is a visible minority I totally disagree with this multicultuism crap! People should be hired on what they know and nothing else!
The Canadian born white male is now a visible minority!
There are whole American states with majority 'Minority' populations.
NOTHING is or will ever be enough for the multiculturalist true believers. Multiculturalism as practiced from the 60's onwards is an exercise in masochism for everyone involved.
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