1) Ahhh, they so love their baza boys or whatever they are called. Jason Kenney our Immigration Minister keeps bringing them in and they keep bringing in their vile habits. When will our fecking lawmakers learn that moslem immigration has to be put an end to, like yesterday.
2) Those mad lefties, doing their best to live life outside the loony bins where they rightfully would belong if people like moi had our way. Lefties think it is okay to protest outside homes of people they target. That's how leftie politics work. Shout, scream and talk over everybody else. via: Drudge
3) No country in the moslem world is immune to the unrests going on. One of the "thousands" of Saudi princes has advice for the Saudi king.
4) 10 yr old Heather Russell from Toronto. Great future for this talented girl. Simon Cowell knows how to keep making money. h/t: Lynn
5) You are a naughty, naughty girl. So.... sit in this freezer.
6) Things really hotting up in Libya. Twitter messages are claiming that 100s have been killed and 1000s arrested.
7) Now Al Qaida also puts in their two-cents worth on Egypt. What else can go wrong. Goodbye Egypt, and goodbye to all those beautiful Egyptian women. We won't get to see your lovely faces much longer.
8) Iran challenges everybody and his uncle with their warlike moves. Imamadjacket is hoping fervently for a world conflict where there will be so much death and destruction that his blasted iman or whatever will come back to earth and do some dance numbers like the baza boys from Afghanistan. Mad, mad, mad, mad world of Imamadjacket
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