1) How long will our justice system deem it okay to hold this guy? A day, a week, a month, a year ?
2) Wanna play "doctor doctor"?
3) Here's some delightful comedy courtesy BigGovernment
4) Ezra Levant on chicken wings, birds falling out of the sky, the oilsands...and the oilsands-hating NDP.
5) Strike when the iron is hot. USA is on it's knees, courtesy the appeasement of Obama and his leftish cronies .....and so the moslem world is drawing nearer and nearer to the kill. Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Sunday called on Muslims to "remove" the US from the Islamic world. "The main problem in the Muslim world is the presence of the United States. It is the biggest problem. We need to address that," he told a gathering of Shiite and Sunni scholars in Tehran for an international conference on Islam. "It is necessary to remove the US from the Islamic world," the all-powerful cleric and Islamic republic's commander-in-chief said, adding that the country's arch-foe was currently weak......... h/t: MF
6) Earthquake in New Zealand.
More vids here and here
7) And in Libya. Gadhafi's son tries to calm down the Libyans. Not gonna happen. Too little too late. USA accuses Britian of being goody goody towards the Libyans. "Pot & Kettle" parody, eh? Gotta laugh at some of the stuff the USA's democrats say without thinking twice. Rumors fly that Gaddafi has left Libya but it looks like he is standing firm and in fact calling for his supporters to take to the streets against the protestors. Civil war looming and there's sure to be plenty of bloodshed if his supporters listen to the madman.
8) Protests going on in Iran. If all eyes were not on Libya, we would have been giving this more attention. Also, there are rumors on Twitter that key govt.officers are resigning or switching sides.
9) Tunisia gone to the extremists as we expected it to. Now they are burning dowm brothels. Places of worship, other than mosques, will be next. h/t: Irene
10) Look at the kind of hard-core lefties our Canadian universities are churning out these days. h/t: RO
11) Kuwait too?
12) Malpensa airport in Italy was closed for several hours and timetables for incoming/outgoing flights were put out of sync. Why... you ask? "Mad muzzie" is the answer. h/t: Irene
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