A young gallant 19 year old Canadian from Barrie, Ontario, is murdered while vacationing with his family in the Dominican Republic and our blasted media in Canada, as usual, whitewashes everything when it comes to the crimes of moslems in this country. The CBC, CTV and all the media of note in Canada have not given the names of the murderers because they happen to be moslems. The scum not only create havoc and disharmony in Canada, they take those traits with them even when they are on vacations in foreign countries.
The story so far from reading some comment boards from the Dominician Republic and from YahooNews is as follows: Canadian moslems at a club in Dominician Republic got rude and nasty as is their nature and spat into the face of a girl (also a Canadian from Ontario) who was with the young victim. The gallant youth came to her rescue and although nothing much happened at the club, the blasted murderers waited outside the club for him. 19 yr old Jordan Morrison was beaten up by a gang of 4 or 5 men so savagely that he succumbed to his injuries on the way to the hospital. This is what the cowards do, 4 or 5 against one or the same number against a woman. What utter scum.
I wonder how many moslem lawyers or self-hating Jewish lawyers have rushed to the Dominician Republic by now to represent the monsters.
Our burkha wearing CBC has not given the names of the attackers and neither has any newspaper in the country, but here's the link to to a Spanish newspaper from the Dominician Republic and the names they have mentioned are:
Bouzid Redha, de 21 Algerian, Canadian Sid Ahmed Zakaria Kara, de 21 años, Dmytro Aref Yev, de 21 años, Boutoita Abderrain, de 19, y Badr Elmanoizy, de 21, Según la Policía, en el conflicto, aparentemente originado por diferencias personales, también habría participado el Lebrane Sharelle, de 27 años
Great going Jason Kenney, our beloved Immigration Minister. Please bring in some more murderers, pretty PLEASE.
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