What's an infidel to do these days? We are being drowned in the frothing taqiyyah coming out from the poisonous mouths of the followers of the cult of islam.
1) Taqiyyah expert Rauf ....Shortly before his speaking engagement, ....it was announced that Rauf would no longer remain the public face of Park51 but would remain on the board of advisors. Just like with his claim that Park51 isn’t a mosque and is an “Islamic center,” this is just another trick. He led this effort and he will continue to lead it. Putting out another man to the media as the spokesman doesn’t change a single thing about this controversy
2) Ken Livingstone will sell his soul for moslem money... it smells and feels different than other money... didn't you know? What a gutterish excuse for a human being !!! Eight days ago, after it became clear ”......that Ken Livingstone, Labour’s official candidate for Mayor of London, had taken thousands of pounds from Press TV, the Iranian dictatorship’s official TV channel, he told BBC London News that he would not resign. Ken stated: “Press TV is one of the few TV channels anywhere in the West that fairly presents the Palestinian case,” adding, quite falsely, that Press TV was “a British company, wholly owned in Britain, that makes and sells programmes to Iran and to other places
3) Melanie Phillips writes in the Spectator UK about the Danish Witch-hunt and the trials going on there.
4) Diana West on the phrase "radical islam".... she calls the phrase "a 14-karat, bulletproof, titanium shield for Islam"
5) Sleeper Cells in the USA. There is every reason to suspect that .we will endure suicide missions by Islamist sleeper cells. They are already in place. They are waiting for the right time. I know this from experience. I have worked over 15 years as a U.S. Federal Agent, a U.S. State Department Arabic linguist, and the first civilian Federal Agent deployed into Iraq at the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003. Since returning from Iraq I have been involved in terrorism analysis, specifically the mindset of terrorists. During my extensive research on sleeper cells I have talked with hundreds of people from the Middle East from all walks of life, and have talked with Iraqi Government officials, Iraqi military and Iraqi police officers. In addition I have interviewed numerous counter-terrorism specialists in the U.S. and abroad. In 2006 I trained over 4000 U.S. Law Enforcement officers in Basic Investigative Arabic and counter-terrorism. The conclusions of my research lead to the title of this article
6) On Saturday, January 8, 2001, a nice-sounding organization called the United Muslim Christian Forum (UMC) held an event in Binghamton, New York, for members of both faiths to “share, in unity, their love and admiration for Jesus, son of Mary (peace be upon him).” Gullible Christians and officials have supported the event, unaware or unconcerned that it is a front for the anti-Semitic extremist group Muslims of the Americas (MOA) and its leader in Pakistan, Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani.......
7) Mooz-lum movie coming near you loaded with taqiyyah.
8) Birth certificate thing hotting up....as it should. Something strange in all this...that's for sure. Only the very stupid or the very delusional or the very "I am above it all" kind of folks will pretend that everything is kosher and that people asking questions like the "birthers" are downright stupid.
9) NYTimes article on the earthquake in the Middle East. Even a broken clock can be right once a day.
10) Secular moslem countries will be the first to fall to the cavemen. I fear for Azerbaijan..
11) Dutch woman originally from Iran, hanged Ms Bahrami's lawyer has expressed shock at the news. "I am bewildered as to how my client's death sentence was issued while her security charges had not yet been reviewed," Jinoos Sharif is quoted as telling the group. Dutch officials were denied access to her because Tehran does not recognise her dual nationality.
12) Moslems conning the White House since 1957
13) Dr.Pipes on USA/Middle East relations
14) New York dhimmis love halal
15) You can take an Afghan out of Afghanistan or a Pakistani out of Pakistan, BUT you will never be able to take the worst of Afghanistan out of the Afghan or the worst of Pakistan out of the Pakistani. Go ahead...keep trying ....dear Jason Kenney and keep failing.
h/t: Lynn/MF/Frank/Irene
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