1) Austism study deemed a fraud? CNN has the goods on the scientist who was responsible for spreading the "vaccines linked to autism" study. Wish someone would expose the DDT thing and save thousands of poor people in Africa from disease bearing mosquitos that DDT used to so effectively deal with before the alarmists were successful in doing away with that chemical for that specific use.
2) Buy a soldier a cup of coffee... PLEASE
3) How non-muslim apologists and useful idiots carry the torch for islam.... a torch that is scorching all corners of the earth.
4) Pam Geller on Death of Europe writing at Human Events
5) Asylum seekers and human trafficking... go hand in hand. Australia's problems are similar to what we face in Canada.
6) When Iranian govt. burns bibles, it's all OK with the entire world. Christians can be such pushovers.
7) 10 countries from where recent immigrant to Canada come from.
8) Great read from Melanie Phillips. Phillips is a woman who understands the dangerous depths of islam and does her best to educate others.
h/t: usual readers and friends
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