are politically and correctly not able to kill the enemy as we knew how to in wars gone by. Instead, they are made to give up their lives in that murky dump of male whoredom.
British forces were advised by a military . study that paedophilia is widespread and culturally accepted in southern Afghanistan
Come on now !! Only southern Afghanistan? It extends to Pakistan and all over the moslem world.
....British officers in Helmand requested the study to help them understand the sexual behaviour of locals and Afghan comrades after young soldiers became uneasy they were being propositioned....
We deplore paedophilia in our society, and then we send our soldiers to a country where it is rampant and they have to turn a blind eye to this? Can you imagine the change in the state of mind of these individuals when they come back to our own society?
But never mind all that whoring around and the "boy plays" or "'bache bazi" as the "Afghanistani paedophilia is known. Everything else is beautiful... as far as the Canadian Govt. and NATO are concerned.... because lookee here, the sweet Taliban are coming around... all because of the good old NATO forces and abandoning their opposition to girls' education. Now isn't that a cause for celebration.
Those Canadians in favor of our presence in Afghanistan can thump each other on their backs and go "We are winning, we are doing something for the poor Afghan people" and give in to their smugness with added zest. They probably don't know the meaning of the word "taqiyya" or would prefer not to.
I wonder what sort of a comeback they will have when, even before the last 100 NATO personnel are out of the country, the Taliban will revert everything and everybody back to where they were 10 years ago....with or without the help of the corrupt Afghan govt.
That day will come.... make no mistake about it.
Why is the NDP Leader making so much sense these days?
Horror of horrors, a lefty hater like moi actually agreeing with the honcho of the far left party.... however, only the first part where he thinks our guys should be brought home.... not the loony rubbish about talking to "moderate" Taliban.
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