this is the world your children and grandchildren are in line to inherit because you have stapled shut your lips and make like an ostrich.
On November 2, in Oklahoma, the ballots for the midterm elections also had an item whereby the citizens of Oklahoma could ban the courts in their state from considering any Islamic or sharia laws. I read comments on some forums from Democrats who thought the inclusion of this item on the ballot was ludricrous because it's a given that US laws are the order of the day... and that as usual the right-wings were getting battier.
The sad truth is that "right-wing moonbats" have the uncanny ability to see into the future based on common sense principles. The following news article will spell out to you, what exactly I mean.
Just two days after Oklahoma voters approved a ballot measure banning state courts from considering Islamic or international law when ruling on cases, a local Muslim has filed a federal lawsuit saying the measure is unconstitutional.
The lawsuit against ballot measure, State Question 755 – or better known as "Save Our State" -- seeks a temporary restraining order to block the results of the election from being certified by the state Election Board on Nov. 9. The measure is scheduled to go into effect on Jan. 1......
More info on this topic:
The lawsuit to block the results of the election ... because burying a women up to her neck and stoning her to death is a much better legal system according to the drones of Mo.