A must-read from David Solway, Canadian poet and essayist. Solway calls for a 'thought experiment' having forgotten that Canadian politicians and Canadians at large have given up thinking and have let CBC and the loudmouth Canadian leftists do their thinking for them. The times we live in !!!!
Let’s start with a simple thought experiment. You invite a guest into your house, give him a room, and make all your facilities available to him. You find him a job — it might be one that needs to be done, it might not — but if he runs into difficulties or loses his job you provide him with the wherewithal he requires. Eventually he brings his family over for an extended visit which turns out to be permanent and before you know it an entire part of your house has been sealed off or, as in some instances, has become a domestic no-go zone.
Your new guests refuse to participate in your home life. They deplete your budget, may not even learn your language, install a V-chip in your computer to prevent the normal range of your communications, and in the course of time begin agitating to introduce a new set of house rules which you, the proprietor, are expected to abide by. It is quite possible that you return one evening to discover that your kids have been traumatized and the house is in shambles. It may happen as you set off for work in the morning, you find your car has been torched.............
............We can see how this unholy confederacy works. We are presumably dowered with the principle of freedom of speech. Yet our courts (as in Holland and Austria) and our Human Rights Commissions (as in Canada) are gradually rendering this supreme value, on which all others depend and which honorable people dutifully respect, null and void. Woe betide anyone who speaks out candidly against Islam or Islamic terrorism (aka “man-made disasters”), who attempts to exercise his constitutional right to burn a “holy book” (as did the unfortunate pastor Terry Jones), or who objects to the plan to erect a mosque at Ground Zero by a consortium of shari’a proponents and in defiance of common decency. The United Nations at the behest of the OIC (Organization of the Islamic Conference) is debating the motion to criminalize defamation of religion (read: Islam). This is being done under the banner of silencing “hate speech,” but obviously the shadowy intent is to silence any speech the authorities find offensive.
And we are only skimming the surface. Freedom as we have traditionally understood it is on the verge of becoming a punishable offense. A civilization is inexorably coming apart — for that is manifestly what is happening — and yet we are expected to embrace the enemy and submissively shuffle off the stage of history. The house of Western culture is being invaded by a twenty-first century volkswanderung and we are, apparently, supposed to sue for clemency or simply move out.
How dim can a dhimmi get? How servile and craven?................
via: BlazingCatFur blog
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