Complete morons... they will never learn. How they hang on her every word ! How they hyperventilate when she makes a slip ! It's getting to be downright tiresome that these moronic idiots can be such tireless pests of the worst kind. Think bed bugs and roaches crawling here, there and everywhere... and you will have a clear cut picture of the kind of crawlies that go after Palin.
She makes a common slip of the tongue about North and South Korea and what do you get? You get more than 200+ hits on Google about this trivality. That's how petty the lefties have become. Remember when their messiah said "57 states" talking about his trips during his campaign? Did you see the earth move then?
You see, folks, that's the whole difference between those of us on the Right and the morons on the Left. They forever play in the sandbox and know to sit only on their rumps because they have not as yet found their legs.... and most of them go to their graves without finding them ever. Complete blubbering babies. We on the other hand have the responsibility to keep the world revolving on it's axis by a constamt oiling of the tools and mechanism to keep it going. Just look at what's happening to the socialist paradise in Ireland, Spain, Portugal and most of EU. Enough said.
So far, the only media outlet that came out batting on behalf of Palin, in no uncertain terms is The Weekly Standard here who said:
Some of Palin's usual antagonists are going nuts over this slip of the tongue, but they don't point out that she correctly identified North Korea as our enemy literally 8 seconds before the mix-up: "We're not having a lot of faith the White House is going to come out with a strong enough policy to sanction what it is that North Korea is going to do."
Palin shouldn't be sheltered from tough yet fair criticism. But her critics don't help themselves when their attacks are based on falsehoods or don't tell the full story.
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