(Continuance of my research and findings on shariah finance and Canadian financial institutions aka Canadian financial traitors)
It boggles the mind how these conniving shills for shariah or islamic finance have managed to package these shariah products in ways to make them look totally benign and our elected officers are all superbly okay and fine with selling their country down the river of islamization. When MP Brian Masse of the NDP spoke at the islamic finance conference, did he do his homework? I am willing to bet he knows less than 1% what islamic finance entails.
After the conference known as UFANA where a horde of shills converged to put forth their taqiyya and churn out numbers running into billions of dollars that our economy stood to gain when Canada opens it's arms and it's doors to islamic finance in a more agressive way, the islamic airwaves and the islamic internet were all atwitter with anticipation of good things to come. Every little step forward in their ultimate goal of islamization, sends tingles up the legs of these conniving taqiyya agents.
Here's what one of their websites said:
The Canadian market is ready for Islamic Finance ......concluded global bankers, politicians and lawyers who attended the Usury Free Association of North America (UFANA) conference in downtown Toronto last week. Senior representatives from four of the five big Canadian banks attended the conference, as did representatives from the Ontario Ministry of Finance and the Federal Ministry of Finance who are busy preparing reports which will be shared internally on the growth and potential of this alternative financing industry. Among the other dignitaries in attendance were representatives from the Ontario Division of Federal Trade Commissioner’s Office and the Toronto Financial Services Alliance (TFSA) both preparing soon to be released reports
The vid below has MP Brian Masse of the NDP talking at the UFANA conference which was attended by close to 300 people.
I think Mr.Masse needs to learn a lot more about islamic finance and sukuk and how much zakat from the sukuk is obtained annually and how much and to whom the zakat is directed to and how many terror cells and how many dead bodies due to islamic terrorism can be chalked up to the zakat obtained from the sukuk.
A dodo like me has done my homework, but MPs like Brian Masse and countless others in our government have not. They would rather believe the taqiyya overflowing from the mouths of shills who stand to fill their own pockets to overfilling with dirty money. I find it so hard to believe that Canadians can be duped so royally by these islamic thugs. But, there you have it.... they have been... hook, line and sinker.
Below is a short video which will hopefully bring to light a small part of the larger picture of what shariah or islamic finance is. This small portion itself of the concept of shariah finance is extremely disturbing, to say the least. For the hour long presentation, which is a must watch, and for which people spend money to attend and get educated, go here: http://stopshariahnow.org/
If moslems want their own kind of a financial system in the Judeo-Christian countries they have migrated to, then why are the Canadians whose mother countries are China and India (the largest segments of immigrants to Canada) clamoring for their own kind of financial products. You know, the type that gives the Chinese and Indians those 12%+ income on their term deposits in China and India? Hmmmm.... I wonder why they don't get the Canadian banks and the Canadian govt. sector and the legal lords and ladies sold on those kind of products. Everybody should folllow the moslem example of bringing into Canada all the rules and regulations that they had in their own countries before migrating here.... don't you think.
One world order .... the moslem order !!!
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