Let me go back to one of the loudest shills for shariah finance at the academic front.... the good professor Wajid Hejazi. you know the guy who thinks Canada is lagging behind in making kissy-kissy with islamic finance. There are many individuals in Canada who wants us to be in bed with the islamic products which will generate all that zakat which God alone knows will keep how many of all those lovely terrorist cells in full operational mode, all around the world, making belt bombs, penis sticks and balls to blow us to kingdom come. Oh ...you didn't know about penis sticks and balls ?? What do you think the gropers at airports are looking for then ? Logic should tell us that they are groping penises looking for hidden stuff there too.
The questions, and there are tonnes of them, that beg asking are the following:
1) Why would moslems , those who love their shariah laws, want to migrate to a Judeo-Christian nation like Canada kinowing full well that here we have our own laws and regulations that don't have even an iota of resemblance with their shariah madness?
2) If they are escaping from their own repressive cavemen governments, shouldn't they be thanking their stars that they don't ever again have to abide by anything shariah contaminated?
3) If they have migrated here because they love our free capital markets, then why do they all of a sudden want their own kind of sharia finance or islamic banking? Is our financial market not good enough for them?
Folks, make no mistake.... what you are seeing here with the push for islamic banking is called "stealth jihad". Trying to have shariah products as part of our economy in Canada is the non-aggressive form of Jihad.
If the Canadian government does not ban shariah finance or islamic banking or ethical funds or whatever and however they want to brand this stealth jihad, then this is the start of the end of our Financial and Economic system in Canada. It might start small and all so very benign and innocent, but before you know it, the Trojan Horse will have opened out and you know the rest ....
Going back to the good professor.... he has written books on economics... yes he has. He knows a lot of stuff, he is a perfect example of someone who is highly overeducated but still not all there.
He knows what's best for Canadian moslems and nothing anyone else says mean anything to him. After all he is a Professor at the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management and has written on economics and finance in the leading newspapers of the country.
Tarek Fatah has his own opinion with which many of us will agree ... but the man is considered to be an "uncle Tom" in his community... because elites like Wajid Hejazi do the thinking for the majority.
...However, Tarek Fatah, founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress, a liberal group, argues that Shariah financial instruments have a ghettoizing effect on Muslims because they separate people based on their religion. He also fears broader repercussions. “The danger is that we are legitimizing Shariah law,” he says.
Hejazi rejects Fatah’s claims. He says Canadian Muslims are currently at a disadvantage because they cannot access Shariah-compliant products at conventional banks. “If the main banks understand and offer these products, they’re regulated, and there’s more competition. We’re simply talking about financial securities with different characteristics that anyone – Muslim or non-Muslim – can use.”
And, here's more of what the good professor has to say to enlighten those of us who are fearful of foreigners with their dirty money taking over Canadian banks and Canadian businesses: He writes in the Financial Post on issues like the kind of "myths" Canadians suffer from and how best to dispel them.
However, the future of finance in Canada as seen by Prof. Walid Hejazi and as discussed below at the UFANA conference by those that will oversee such products in Canada is not a myth. It's for real and I hope you will get used to these kind of "scholars" advising Canadian moslems on what is shariah okayed for their buying pleasure and what should be shunned by all good moslems even if they are Canadian moslems.
Part Two: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjTYCrMSHzo&feature=related
is here if you have the stomach to look into the future of your financial world in Canada.
There are a lot of bankers, lawyers, professors, MPs and other dhimmis wetting their pants for the coming of islamic finance into Canada. Will your kids, your grandkids and your descendents thank you for bringing in islamic finance and all that it entails into Canada ? Time will tell and so also will historians if they dare to speak the truth.... because unfortunately even historians will not be able to write truthful history in the coming era of world islam.
Once again, I am requesting my readers to please find the time to educate yourselves and others on shariah or islamic finance by watching the 1 hour presentation at : http://stopshariahnow.org/
Please watch it and if you are then concerned about the future of where your country is heading, write or talk to your elected lawmakers. They won't know about this unless you keep them informed.
On another note... isn't it ironic that Google Adsense keeps showing ads on my blog that advertise shariah finance in Canada.... although I don't know if you can see them at your end. I am getting more info at my fingertips without having to resort to search engines. LOL
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