We talk about physical ailments openly and without fear or embarrassment. Even if the ailment is to do with the most intimate part of us, we can talk about it openly, if not with friends, then with a physician or our family doctor. However, where can people go and who can they speak to about the mental "man made global warming" illness that so many have been afflicted with and the virus they keep passing on to others who have no immunity whatsoever to such assaults? Do they even know they are mentally unhinged? You have to admit, that this hard core belief in man made climate change is a kind of mental illness.... what else can it be? How can these people really believe that man is responsible for the natural turn of events, like the freaking weather.... for crying out loud.
I love the way James Delingpole has made light of what the nitwits have been blah blahhing in Cancun at their latest pow-wow. Some of the comments to his article are equally delightful.
As the latest round of UN-sponsored climate talks opened in Cancun today, ’scientists’ had a stark message on the threat posed by Man Made Global Warming. It is now so severe that only by exterminating ourselves like the vile parasite we are can we hope to leave a planet fit for habitation by generations as yet unborn, ’scientists’ say.
The radical measures being proposed by ’scientists’ include:
1. Compulsory consumption of ground-up tiger’s whiskers.
2. Jonestown-style “eco parties” where kids can join in the fun by drinking poisoned Kool-Aid (or similar locally popular beverage: eg Irn Bru in Scotland; Badoit or San Pellegrino in Notting Hill, etc).
3. Natural death safaris in Africa, North America, Australia and even Antarctica where you can re-enter the ecosystem through the bowels of your killer predator of choice: Lion; Grizzly; Great White or Leopard Seal.
Professor Kevin Anderson, Director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, said today in a quote I’ve made up but which is only slightly less absurd than what he actually said:
“Since the hacked Climategate emails, we expert Climate Scientists have come in for a lot of stick from sceptics and deniers in the pay of Big Oil who claim that we’re just a bunch of misanthropic eco-fascists for whom freedom of choice is a concept more abhorrent than a baby polar bear pickled in shale oil. But nothing could be further from the truth. We believe that it should be entirely up to the people of the earth how they choose to kill themselves. If they don’t wish to follow any of the fun suggestions outlined in the Royal Society’s latest paper ‘So you’ve decided to die for Mother Gaia?’, we’re more than happy to send round a team of our experts to do the job for them.”.....................
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