What will it take for our Canadian govt to see the light and put a complete stop to immigration of moslems. This video was made in 2006, so you can well imagine how much more the islamization of Britian must have progressed. by now. I don't have to remind my readers that if you think there is a link or a video that you think your govt should be made aware of, then please take the initiative and send it on. We cannot expect our lawmakers to be up-to-date on the happenings in Britian, all of them are not employed in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and I am willing to bet my bottom dollar, that 90% of those employed at MFA itself will be blissfully unaware of the most important things going on around them. So, any little bit they see or read will help our powers-that-be to make the right decision when the crunch time comes to change our immigration policies, which needs to be amended without further procrastination. Being politically correct and ignoring the problem will not make it go away, in fact the longer we procrastinate over this issue, the stronger the infiltration of an evil ideology into every aspect of our govt... even in the most important dept, that of the Department of National Defence, as we have seen recently.
The vid link below is a MUST see and please forward this link:
to any friends or family you might have in the UK. You will be totally floored at the taqiyya and skipping around the bush that the moslem lady in the vid is so adept at performing. Amazing.
This sort of teaching in schools that go to mold the mindset of children is not isolated to Britian as you would like to think. I hope some of you read my post on what's happening in a daycare centre in Windsor and did the right thing to contact the Ontario Education Minister and ask her about it or get your MP to question her.
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